Bible ~~- Older Testament ~~- Ezekiel ~~- chapter 47 of 48 (23 verses.)

Ezekiel 47:15Wrench

The following are the [promised] land's boundaries:
on the north edge, [trace a line east] from the great [Mediterranean] sea through Hethlon {Swath} to the entrance of Zedad {Side};

Other English Bible translations of Ezekiel 47:15:

Complete Jewish Bible (Sacred Name Version)CJB-SN"β€˜The borders of the land will be as follows: on the north, from the Great Sea through Hetlon to the entrance of Tz’dad,
New International Version (Sacred Name)NIV-SR'This is to be the boundary of the land: 'On the north side it will run from the Great Sea by the Hethlon road past Lebo Hamath to Zedad,
New International Readers Version (Sacred Name)NIRV-SN'Here are the borders of the land. 'On the north side the border will start at the Mediterranean Sea. It will go by the Hethlon road past Lebo Hamath. Then it will continue on to Zedad,
New Living Translation (Sacred Name Version)NLT-SN'The northern border will run from the Mediterranean toward Hethlon, then on through Lebo-hamath to Zedad;
New Revised Standard (Sacred Name Edition)NRSV-SNThis shall be the boundary of the land: On the north side, from the Great Sea by way of Hethlon to Lebo-hamath, and on to Zedad,
The Message (Sacred Name Version)MSG-SN'These are the boundaries of the land: 'The northern boundary runs from the Great Mediterranean Sea along the Hethlon road to where you turn off to the entrance of Hamath, Zedad,
Good News Translation (Sacred Name)GNT-SN"The northern boundary runs eastward from the Mediterranean Sea to the city of Hethlon, to Hamath Pass, to the city of Zedad,
New American Standard (Sacred Name Bible)NASB-SN'This shall be the boundary of the land: on the north side, from the Great Sea by the way of Hethlon, to the entrance of Zedad;
King James Version (unedited)KJVAnd this shall be the border of the land toward the north side, from the great sea, the way of Hethlon, as men go to Zedad;