Bible ~~- Newer Testament ~~- Luke ~~- chapter 10 of 24 (42 verses.)

Luke 10:9Wrench

Heal the sick [people] in the towns that welcome and feed you, πŸ˜‡.
Say to them, β€˜The Kingdom of [YHVH] the Eloah has come close to you.’

Note: Is anyone in your β€˜Christian’ fellowship miraculously healing sick people?
If not, there's a problem.

Other English Bible translations of Luke 10:9:

Complete Jewish Bible (Sacred Name Version)CJB-SNHeal the sick there, and tell them, β€˜The Kingdom of Elohim is near you.’
New International Version (Sacred Name)NIV-SRHeal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The kingdom of Elohim is near you.'
New International Readers Version (Sacred Name)NIRV-SNHeal the sick people who are there. Tell them, 'God's kingdom is near you.'
New Living Translation (Sacred Name Version)NLT-SNand heal the sick. As you heal them, say, `The Kingdom of Elohim is near you now.'
New Revised Standard (Sacred Name Edition)NRSV-SNcure the sick who are there, and say to them, "The kingdom of Elohim has come near to you.'
The Message (Sacred Name Version)MSG-SNheal anyone who is sick, and tell them, 'God's kingdom is right on your doorstep!'
Good News Translation (Sacred Name)GNT-SNheal the sick in that town, and say to the people there, "The Kingdom of Elohim has come near you.'
New American Standard (Sacred Name Bible)NASB-SNand heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of Elohim has come near to you.'
King James Version (unedited)KJVAnd heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.