Bible ~~- Newer Testament ~~- Luke ~~- chapter 11 of 24 (54 verses.)

Luke 11:50Wrench

β€˜[YAH] holds your strain of people [hypocrites] responsible for the murder of all [His] prophets since the creation of the kosmos!

Other English Bible translations of Luke 11:50:

Complete Jewish Bible (Sacred Name Version)CJB-SNso that on this generation will fall the responsibility for all the prophets’ blood that has been shed since the world was established,
New International Version (Sacred Name)NIV-SRTherefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world,
New International Readers Version (Sacred Name)NIRV-SNSo the people of today will be punished. They will pay for all the prophets' blood spilled since the world began.
New Living Translation (Sacred Name Version)NLT-SN'And you of this generation will be held responsible for the murder of all Elohim's prophets from the creation of the world--
New Revised Standard (Sacred Name Edition)NRSV-SNso that this generation may be charged with the blood of all the prophets shed since the foundation of the world,
The Message (Sacred Name Version)MSG-SNWhat it means is that every drop of righteous blood ever spilled from the time earth began until now,.
Good News Translation (Sacred Name)GNT-SNSo the people of this time will be punished for the murder of all the prophets killed since the creation of the world,
New American Standard (Sacred Name Bible)NASB-SNso that the blood of all the prophets, shed since the foundation of the world, may be charged against this generation,
King James Version (unedited)KJVThat the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;