Troy & Genie's Talent Database

Lori Parris

Lori has lived in West Palm Beach ?(HAVERHILL)?, Florida.

Lori is a friend of Troy & Genie.

Rick Hubbard is Lori's Co-Worker.
Addison is Lori's Son.
Ross is Lori's Son.

Lori says:
My brother Ross has a puppet and he named it Genie. I love your songs. My favorite song to do puppets to is "Joyful,Joyful".

Lori likes this project.

Lori says:
I asked my three childrenfor advice on what songs would reach children and touch their hearts. Mia is (12)suggested * John 3:16, Go, *Trust in the Lord, *Amazing Grace, *Joyful, Joyful, Don't Bow Down to Idols Honor Roll, King of the Jungle, God's Top 10 sampler, Hip Hop hymns sampler, *Talking to my Dog, *greatest commandments Ross (11) suggested Fire of Unity, John 3:16, Trust in the Lord, Amazing Grace, King of the Jungle, God's Top 10, Talking to my Dog Addison (7) suggested, John 3:16, Trust in the Lord, Amazing Grace, Joyful, Joyful, Don't Bow Down to Idols, God's Top 10, King of the Jungle

Lori likes this project.

Lori is a Children's Minister
