Troy reviews

The 2000 Supernatural Horror Mystery PG13

The Others

By Alejandro Amenรกbar, Nicole Kidman

brain rating

Great 8.0

"Great script economy, (Amenรกbar gets a huge effect with a small cast in one location.) Gorgeous setups, cinematography, direction, music, effects, acting, and story. Everything in the film is well-done except for the pacing. It's at least 14 minutes too long. Probably 45 minutes could have been trimmed. It's a short story stretched into feature length. The setting is great, and the characters are wonderful, but they get monotonous in the first half, where the pace is very slow. Very good score by Amenรกbar. Nicole carries the film with style and class, leading a very fine cast in a spell-binding mansion location in Spain. Killer twist ending reminiscent of Sixth Sense."
heart rating

Pleasing 8.0

โ€œThe film is not horrifying but it's probably too scary for most children.
More serious than that, the film presents a confusing and inaccurate Roman Catholic view of the afterlife, a view based on distortions of the Hebrew scriptures. The Bible generally and repeatedly describes the state of the wicked dead as being non-existence. There is no "purgatory" or "limbo." You are either resurrected to eternal life or consigned to eternal death. There is no in-between.
The film imagines that the occult arts give you contact with benevolent dead humans.
In reality, seances and automatic writing bring life-destroying demon-possession. โ€


out of 10

The Others on Wikipedia