Yvonne says:
The emotions are so incredible that I cannot begin to express my gratitude to Genie I have played the CD again and again .
it is so beautiful.
(A girl I've been counseling) nicknamed Buggie has been horrendously abused and has not spoken an audible word for years , since she found her brother after he committed suicide.)...
One day she wanted to hear music .
so I played Undying Love for her She loved the song so much that she asked me to play it again and sing it to her.
She gently rocked herself while coming out of a horrendous flashback and mouthing the words.
She then requested that we play Genie's song "Fire of Unity".
We played it once, she rocking gently and mouthing the words.
Later, in a most emotional night of my entire life .
In the wee hours (@3:30 AM), Buggie went into one of the most difficult flashbacks to date.
I sang to her Undying Love, (what she calls the "love song") , three times, then sang Fire of Unity .
Buggie was coming out of her flashback and returning to us .
and audibly whispering the words.
Genie's music has provided a little girl so maimed and scarred by so many with a lifeline .
Thanks to Genie we have a focus for her to look towards when her world disappears into the darkness of evil.
Buggie is going to LIVE and Buggie is now LOVING.
Genie has no idea of the gift that she has given to us.
Yvonne's field of work: Children's Ministry