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Everyone will be resurrected and judged. The righteous will live forever, and the unrighteous will perish forever.
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43 SCRIPTURE SECTIONS on the theme of Resurrection

    Interactive Timeline
  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua Takes His Heavenly Throne; We Work

  2. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Daniel Prophesies Deliverance for Israel

  3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jonah Dies Then Gets Resurrected & Barfed Out

  4. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Prophet EliShua Resurrects The Dead Boy

  5. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ YahShua Predicts His Own Imminent Death

  6. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ In Heaven, Humans Are Non-Sexual & Angelic

  7. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ You Live, You Die, You Live Again! (Rapture)

  8. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Angel Says Jesus Rose On Sabbath Sundown

  9. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Earth's Martyrs Receive Kingship In Heaven

  10. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua heals at the 1st fruits festival

  11. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua Resurrects A Rich Jew's Dead Girl

  12. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua The Messiah Rises From The Dead

  13. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua Appears First To His Female Helpers

  14. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Risen Messiah Appears To His Students

  15. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua Heals A Dead Boy At The Funeral!

  16. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua Rises From The Dead

  17. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua Predicts His Death & Resurrection

  18. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Christ Raises His Enemy's 'Dead' Girl To Life

  19. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Women Go To Yahshua's Already Empty Tomb

  20. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yahshua Explains The Resurrection

  21. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Your Body = A Tent. Your Mansion Is In Heaven

  22. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ King David Predicts The Resurrection

  23. Paul Recounts Messiah's Death & Resurrection

  24. Jesus Is Subordinate To YHVH, NOT Co-Equal

  25. Job Prays For Resurrection

  26. YAHshua Raises His Friend Lazarus From Death

  27. Jesus Shape-Shifts & Appears To 2 Disciples

  28. Resurrected Humans Are Sexless & Perfected

  29. Yahshua Freed Us To Rise & Live Forever

  30. A Dead Man Touches ELisha's Bones & Lives!

  31. Resurrection Is Central To Biblical Faith

  32. The Apostles Refuse To Believe Jesus Is Alive

  33. Paul Heralds Good News To Syrian Jews

  34. Paul Pits Jewish Factions Against Each Other

  35. The King Gives The Rich Lady Back her Land

  36. Peter Resurrects A Saint Named Tabitha

  37. Saducees Pose A Silly 7 Dead Husbands Riddle

  38. 72 Hours Later, Yahshua Rises From The Dead

  39. Angel Predicts Daniel's Death & Resurrection

  40. Tell Everyone That YAH Raised Yahshua To Life

  41. David Prays For Resurrection To Dance Forever

  42. Wicked People Don't Believe In The Afterlife

  43. YAH Resurrected Yahshua; He'll Resurrect You!


286 SCRIPTURES on the theme of Resurrection

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 16:19 After Master [YahShua] speaks to his disciples, [YHVH] takes YahShua up into heaven, 😇. There YahShua sits down at the Right Hand of [YHVH] the Eloah.

  2. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 20:38 For YHVH is not Eloah [of the] dead, but [of the] living, 😇. All life [exists within the mind of] YHVH.”
    note: Paraphrase. YAH is not Dead, but living. He [is] all life. All beings are thoughts of YHVH. YAH can turn His thoughts on and off at will. If YAH wishes you to be alive, He just thinks you to life. And if YAH wishes you dead, He just ‘forgets’ you.

  3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Daniel 12:2 Then [billions of dead people] who sleep in the dust of the earth awake, some to everlasting life, and some to [the] shame of being forever repulsed by YHVH.
    note: But humans will not suffer eternal conscious torment.

  4. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 27:52 Graves open, 😇! Many bodies of [dead] ‘sleeping’ sacred-people rise [to life]!

  5. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 7:15 The ‘dead’ boy sits up [in the coffin-basket]. He starts talking, 😇! YahShua [lifts the boy out of the coffin. Then he leads the boy by the hand] to his mother.

  6. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 2:27 Because [YAH] will not leave my soul in Sheol. [You, YAH, will not] allow your Holy One to experience corruption [rotting in the grave].

  7. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Thessalonians 4:16 [YahShua] the Master himself descends from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, [amidst] the [ear-splitting blast of the] trumpet of Elohim. Then [earth's living believers watch jaw-dropped as] previously dead [believers who are members] Messiah's [political body] rise [from their graves up to heaven's judgment throne].

  8. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Kings 4:34 Then [EliShua] gets up. He lays on the [dead] child. He puts his mouth on [the child's] mouth, and his eyes at [the boy's] eyes, and his hands on [the boy's] hands. He stretches himself over the child. The boy's skin gets warm.

  9. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Kings 4:35 Then [EliShua] climbs back [downstairs]. He walks around the house [singing spiritual-warfare songs]. Then he goes back [upstairs]. He stretches his body over the [mostly-dead] boy [again]. The child sneezes 7 times! He opens his eyes!

  10. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ezekiel 37:10 So I prophesy as [YAH] commands me. [Whoosh!] The breath comes into the [corpses]. They live, 😇! [They] stand up on their feet. An overwhelmingly huge horde [of humanoids amasses around me]!

  11. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jonah 2:10 [Jonah dies. 3 days and nights pass as microbes, acids and worm-parasites strip Jonah's flesh and melt his bones. Then YAH resurrects Jonah. Jonah crawls up out of the chyme, swims up to the stomach sphincter, forces it open. The stomach acids gush down, burning his eyes. He struggles through the opening, gets halfway up into the stomach. Suddenly] YHVH speaks to the fish. It vomits Jonah up onto dry land, 😇!
    note: Jesus and Jonah both passed 3 days and nights of literal death.

  12. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 9:26 The fame [of YahShua raising the ruler's girl from the dead] sweeps through the entire land.

  13. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 22:30 For [people] rise into the resurrection single. And people don't get married in heaven. Resurrected people are [non-sexual, equal & androgynous] like the angels of [YHVH] the Eloah in heaven.
    note: Yahshua here blows away the lie espoused by Mormons & others that married couples persist in sexual union in the hereafter. The word ‘Husband’ means ‘master’ and ‘owner’. In the resurrection, wives finally spring free from the subordinate status of ‘wife’. Women will no longer be in any sense the ‘weaker sex’. Resurrected people live free, unbound from all of their earthly allegiances, contracts, agreements & master-servant relationships, including female husbandry, a.k.a. ‘marriage’.

  14. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 5:42 Immediately the 12-year-old [‘dead’] girl pops up, 😇! She walks [to the living room]! Everyone [shouts for joy,] astounded, ecstatic, mega-astonished.

  15. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 12:25 —For when people rise from the dead, they don't rise married, 😇. And they don't get married in heaven. Glorified people are [androgynous, non-sexual, complete whole beings with ‘feminine’ & ‘masculine’ energies united,] like the angels in heaven.
    note: Eve was not made from Adam's ‘rib.’ Eve was 1/2 (one ‘side’ [#6763 tsela]) of the original Adam. Resurrection puts us humans back into our originally-designed, complete state. So the Mormons with their eternal marriage bull-corn are completely off base, and the bible clearly proves it. Not that the bible ever interfered with the operation of a money-making religion. [Then Bubba, the self-nominated '13th' disciple, says, (without authority), 'And resurrected people don't got no bum-holes neither! So their farts don't stank!']

  16. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 16:6 The angel says to the [terrified] women, “Don't be alarmed. You’re looking for YahShua of Nazareth, whom [soldiers] impaled. YahShua is risen. He's not here. Look, this [empty slab] is where [Joseph's workers] laid YahShua's body [3 days ago].

  17. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 7:14 YahShua [walks up]. He touches the coffin. The pallbearers carrying the dead boy stand still, 😇. YahShua says, “Young man, I order you: Get up!”

  18. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 8:50 YahShua hears [this negativity]. He answers the [doubting man], “Never fear. Just believe. Then [YAH] will heal the girl.”

  19. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 20:35 —But, 😇, people whom [YAH] considers worthy to obtain the [eternal] Age via the resurrection from the dead, never [again] marry [for ‘love’]. Nor [do they] get traded [by their fathers in exchange for wealth].

  20. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 20:37 Now, 😇, Moses reports that dead [people] rise again. At the [burning] bush, [Moses] calls [YHVH] ‘the Elohim of Abraham {Father-Of-Billions}, Isaac {Laughter} and Jacob {Heel-Grabber}.’

  21. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:7 [YahShua] said, ‘The ‘Son of Adam’ must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be impaled, and [on] the 3rd day rise again.’”
    note: Jesus spends three full 24-hour days dead.

  22. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 5:21 [YHVH my] Father raises dead [people from the grave, 😇,]. He makes [decayed remains] come alive! With identical [power, I, YAH's] son, give life to anyone [I] choose.
    note: Zoe, physical life.

  23. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 11:43 Then YahShua cries with a loud [shout], “Elohim's Helper, come out!”
    note: You, Yah's helper, come out from the dead! Get out of Babylon! Be different! Be alive!

  24. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 11:44 The previously-dead Elazar [staggers] out, bound from [head to] hand to foot with grave-clothes, his face wrapped with a cloth! YahShua commands the [mourners], “Loosen [Elohim's Helper]! Let him go!”
    note: Let Yah's helpers work, free from the chains of societal and religious bondage!

  25. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 2:24 But YHVH raised YahShua up. [YAH] freed YahShua from the agonies of death. Because it was impossible that YahShua could be held by death, 😇.

  26. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Philippians 3:21 😇, yahShua is soon to take these weak [vile, humiliating, rotting] mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same mighty power that he'll use to rule-over everything, everywhere.

  27. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Thessalonians 4:17 Then, 😇, [YAH] snatches up us [believers] who remain alive [walking the earth]. Through the clouds, [we rise] together with the [dead people], to meet [our] Master [YahShua] in the air. From then on we [live] forever with Adonai [YHVH].

  28. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Kings 4:36 So [EliShua] calls Gehazi. [EliShua] says, “Call the lady from Shunem {Quiet-Town}.” So [Gehazi] calls her. She comes in to [EliShua]. He says, “Pick up your son.”

  29. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Kings 13:21 One day, as [some Israelites] bury a man, they look [up]. They spy a band of [horse-riding killer-raiders rushing toward them]. So the [Israelis] throw the body into the tomb of EliShua {El's-Salvation}. The corpse falls. It lands on EliShua's bones. Then it jumps up! It stands on his feet, 😇!

  30. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Job 14:13 I pray that you hide me in the grave, that you keep me secret, until your fire-rage passes. Appoint me a [resurrection] day. Remember me [when I'm gone]!

  31. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Psalms 49:15 But Elohim will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, 😇. He'll receive me [into heaven]. Selah {Dramatic-Break}.

  32. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Psalms 90:3 You morph [us frail] mortals back into crushed-dust. Then [you] say, "Come back [to life], brats of Adam!"
    note: Or, 'Repent!' Atheists question the point of the resurrection: “Why would ‘God’ resurrect everyone to a judgment in which most of the ‘resurrectees’ just die again?” Answer: because universal resurrection is the ultimate jaw-dropping magic trick. Everyone is connected. So the great judgment would be less interesting if even one person were left out.

  33. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ecclesiastes 9:4 The only people who hold hope are the [humble disciples whom YHVH] selects to be joined to the living [vine of the Messiah and his followers. YHVH's disciples live poor and detested by the world.] But a living dog beats a dead lion, 😇.
    note: Dog = nastiest creature, beast-person, Gentile. Lion= most noble creature. YAH's people are the only people who are truly alive.

  34. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ezekiel 37:12 So prophesy. Announce to the [Israelis], ‘Adonai YHVH says, “Watch, my people. I come to open your tombs. I [lift] you up out of your graves. I [fly] you into the land of Israel, 😇!

  35. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 17:3 Suddenly, (in front of Peter {Rock}, James {Heel-Grabber}, & JAHn,) Moses & EliJah appear! [They] talk with YahShua [like they're old buddies, 😇]!

  36. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 27:53 These [formerly lifeless people jump] out of their graves, 😇. After YahShua's resurrection, they [run] into the holy city. There many people see them.

  37. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 28:7 Run, [ladies]. Tell YahShua's disciples that he has risen from the dead. Now he has gone ahead of you into the Heathen-Circle [Galilee]. There you'll see him. Remember everything I've told you.”

  38. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 12:26 [YahShua continues,] “Now, 😇, about the dead rising: have you not read in the book of Moses, how YHVH (through a burning bush) speaks to Moses? [YAH] says, ‘I am the Eloah of Abraham {Father-Of-Billions}, the Eloah of Isaac {Laughter}, the Eloah of Jacob.’
    note: (Exodus 3:6)

  39. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 16:4 Then the women look up. They see that the gigantic boulder has already been rolled away [from the tomb's door, 😇]!

  40. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 8:55 The girl's spirit returns [to her, 😇]! She immediately gets up! YahShua commands [her family] to give her food.

  41. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 9:30 Suddenly 2 men (Moses & EliYah) appear, [bathed] in [radiant] glory. They talk with YahShua.

  42. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 18:33 —The [Romans and Jews] scourge/flog/whip/beat [me]. They put [me] to death. Yet [on] the 3rd day [I] rise again.”
    note: Yahshua died at the close of ‘Wednesday’ evening before the special mid-week Passover Sabbath. He rose at the close of ‘Saturday’ (normal Sabbath) evening. 3 full days and nights in the tomb. Don't let any bogus religionist hand you his ‘Good Friday-Easter Sunday’ baloney.

  43. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:2 The women [shock to] find the stone rolled away from the tomb's [entrance].

  44. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:5 Terror-stricken, the women bow down with their faces to the ground. The angels ask, “Why do you seek the living [one] among the dead?

  45. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:6 —YahShua is not here! He is risen! Remember how YahShua spoke to you while he was still [hiking] the Heathen-Circle?

  46. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:39 Look! [These holes in] my hands and my feet prove that it's I myself. Touch me and see: a spirit doesn't have flesh and bones, like you see I have.”
    note: Sorry Mormons, Joseph Smith's theory that ‘God The Father’ has a physical body is proven wrong by this verse, because ‘God The Father’ is a Spirit.

  47. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:41 Yet the disciples remain in disbelief, [filled with] joy and wonder. YahShua asks the disciples, “Ya’ got any meat?”
    note: food

  48. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 2:19 YahShua [points to his own chest as he] answers the religionists, “Destroy this ‘temple’, and in 3 days I raise it up again.”
    note: To YAH, religious buildings are wastes of resources. People are temples. Jesus was in the grave a literal 72 hours from ‘Wednesday’ evening to ‘Saturday’ evening.

  49. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 5:26 [YHVH] the Father has the innate [ability to create physical] life. Similarly, he has granted to [me, His] son, [the innate ability to give physical] life [even to dead people, 😇].
    note: There are 3 Greek words for life: Physical life (Zoe); Sentient mortal life (Psuche); and Spirit-Life (Pneuma).

  50. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 5:29 When I call, the dead rise. The [people] who performed good [works before they died] rise to the resurrection of [eternal] life. And those who did evil rise into the resurrection of condemnation.
    note: The only difference between those who enter eternal life, and those who get dumped in the fire, is what they DID and DID NOT *DO!* It makes no difference what you SAY you believe, nor where you go to church. Damnation = 2920 krisis: decision, a tribunal, justice (especially, divine law): accusation, condemnation, damnation, judgment.

  51. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 7:34 You'll seek me, [but you] won't find me. Where I ‘am,’ you can't come.”
    note: You cannot hang with me. You cannot enter the presence of YAH, where I live, because the fire of YAH's holiness would burn you to death if you neared His throne.

  52. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 11:25 YahShua says to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. Everyone who [actively, fruitfully] believes in me lives, even if he [temporarily, physically] dies.

  53. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 20:19 That evening, the first day of the week, the disciples hide behind locked doors, 😇. [They crouch,] huddled for fear of the [murderous] Judaeans. YahShua teleports to stand right in the middle of the disciples! He [sings] to them, “Shalom aleikhem!” [“Peace, guys.”]

  54. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 7:59 [The religionists keep] stoning Stephen. He prays [skyward], calling, “Master YahShua, receive my spirit!”

  55. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Corinthians 15:36 [A seed] you plant never comes to life, 😇, unless it ‘dies.’
    note: Until a seed ceases to be a seed, its life remains inactive. A dormant seed might as well be a rock.

  56. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Samuel 2:6 YHVH kills. And [YHVH] makes alive. He brings [evil beings] down to the grave. He resurrects [the righteous].

  57. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Kings 4:31 Gehazi {Vision-Valley} [gallops] on ahead of the [rich lady and EliShua]. [Gehazi runs into the rich lady's house. He bounds up the stairs.] He lays [EliShua's] staff on the child's face. [Gehazi yells. He claps his hands.] But the child makes no sound. He hears nothing. So [Gehazi gallops] back to EliShua. [Gehazi] says, “The child didn't wake up.”

  58. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Job 19:26 Soon my skin-worms will destroy this flesh-tomb. Yet, in my [new, immortal, spirit] body, I will see [YHVH the] Eloah.

  59. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Psalms 71:20 You [repeatedly drag] me through heavy, painful death-squeezes. But you [always] revive my [dead bones]. [So I know that after I die,] you'll beam me up from the depths of the earth.

  60. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ IsaiYAH 26:19 Yet eventually [our nation's] corpses gain new life! Our bodies rise together! Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust! The [morning] dew comes to water [earth's] greens. The planet casts out her dead!

  61. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 28:6 YahShua is not here! YahShua rose [yesterday at sunset, just] as he predicted [he would]. Come, see the place where the Master's [corpse] lay.
    note: Jesus rose at the close of the Sabbath, 72 full hours after soldiers killed him.

  62. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 28:9 As the women rush to alert YahShua's disciples, suddenly YahShua meets the women. He says, “Shalom!” The women run [to him]. [They] fall down in front of him. They clasp his feet. They prostrate themselves, [faces to the dirt,] before him.

  63. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 5:41 YahShua takes the girl by the hand, 😇. He says to her, “Talitha cumi” ("Get up, little girl!”)

  64. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 9:4 Then [ancient prophets] EliJah {JAH-Is-El} & Moses appear, 😇. [They] begin talking with YahShua.

  65. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 12:23 So in the resurrection, when the woman and her 7 husbands rise [from the dead], which [lucky] brother will be this woman's [husband-master for eternity]? For each of the 7 brothers had this same woman as his [earthly] wife!”

  66. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 12:27 YHVH is not the Eloah of the dead, 😇. He's the Eloah of the living. [Your ignorance of him leads] you straying far [from the truth].”
    note: You Greek-loving money-sucking religionists lie badly mistaken!

  67. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 8:54 YahShua kicks all the [people who doubt him] out of the house, 😇. Then YahShua takes the girl by the hand. He calls, “Little girl, get up!”

  68. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 20:33 —So in the resurrection [when dead people rise], who gets the widow as wife? For [on earth] all 7 brothers had this same woman as wife!”
    note: The Sadducees craft this argument because they lack belief in resurrection, and because they love divorce.

  69. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:23 —The women failed to find YahShua's body. Then they came [to us], claiming they'd seen a vision of angels who said that YahShua was alive!

  70. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:34 [The gathered disciples yell], “It's true! [The ladies were right!] The Master has risen! YahShua appeared to Simon {Listener}.”

  71. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:36 As the [2] disciples say this, YahShua himself [suddenly] stands in the midst of the group. He [sings], “Shalom!”
    note: Shalom = Peace

  72. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:37 The disciples [shake,] terrified and frightened, imagining they're seeing a ghost, 😇.

  73. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:43 YahShua takes the food. He eats [it] in front of his [slack-jawed] disciples.
    note: He eats not for sustenance but to prove he's not a ghost.

  74. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 2:21 [These clueless religionites fail to understand that] the “temple” YahShua speaks of is [not a building but] his body, 😇.
    note: Church buildings and stone temples mean nothing at all. People are the only temples that matter. Our bodies house spirits.

  75. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 5:25 I tell you the rock-solid truth, 😇: The time is coming, and [for the true believers] is already here, when dead [people] hear the voice of [me] the son of YHVH. [Corpses] who listen to [me rise] to live [forever].

  76. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 5:28 [I'm telling you in advance, 😇. Prepare for the shock.] Don't be surprised! The time approaches when all dead people in the grave [wake up when they] hear the voice of [me, YAH's] son.
    note: This guy (Jesus) is either the son of The Creator, or he's history's greatest megalomaniac. He says that all the people who ever died are going to get up at the sound of his voice. Try that boast in your local subway. Count the seconds 'til cops drag you away in handcuffs. Some dead people did come out of their graves when Yahshua died.

  77. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 26:8 Why should any of you consider it incredible that [YHVH] the Eloah resurrects dead [people], 😇?

  78. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 6:9 For we know, 😇, that since [YAH] raised [the] Messiah from the dead, [YahShua] can never die again. Death no longer has dominion over YahShua!

  79. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Corinthians 15:51 Look, I'm showing you a mystery, 😇: Not all of us [mortals] will sleep [in death]. But [YAH] eventually transforms us all.
    note: Apparently some people will be translated (raptured) and converted into immortal beings ‘on the fly.’

  80. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Corinthians 5:4 Yes, 😇, while we live in these ‘tent’ bodies, we groan, oppressed. We don't want to take off our mortal skin. We want to put on some armor over our weak bodies, so [our] death-doomed [flesh] gets swallowed up by Life.

  81. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Thessalonians 4:14 We believers [know] that YahShua died and rose again, 😇. So, [as YHVH raised] YahShua, YHVH eventually resurrects [all believers] who sleep [in death].

  82. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hebrews 11:5 Enoch [lives in such great] faith that he ‘flies’ up to heaven without dying! “Suddenly Enoch changes [into an eternal being]! YHVH just takes him!” Even before Enoch morphs, YAH testifies [to humans] that [Enoch] delights Him.

  83. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Apocalypsis (Revelation) 20:13 Then the sea gives up the dead [people] in it. And death and the grave [Sheol] deliver up [to heaven] the dead they hold. Then, 😇, [YahShua and YHVH] judge every human by their deeds.
    note: EVERY human gets judged by their works. Even the fools who buy the devil's lie that being ‘saved by grace’ means that your performance is irrelevant.

  84. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Genesis 5:24 Enoch {Initiate} walks with [YHVH] Elohim. [Then Enoch disappears.] Elohim takes him [into heaven].
    note: Or simply, ‘YAH accepted Enoch.’

  85. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Kings 4:32 [Finally] EliShua {El's-Salvation} [runs] into the house. He sees the child dead on his bed.

  86. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Kings 4:37 [The rich lady scrambles up the ladder to the loft. She runs] into [EliShua's room]. She falls at his feet. She bows herself to the ground. Then she picks up her [resurrected] son. She walks out [carrying him, crying for joy].

  87. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Job 19:27 My kidneys will soon give out. My heart will [stop beating]. Then I will see [YAH] myself. My own eyes will view him directly, with no mediator [nor seer in between].

  88. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ecclesiastes 3:22 So I perceive that there's nothing better for a human than to [bring] light [to others] by his [productive] actions. [Generosity is] man's share [of life's bounty]. For who brings [a man back from the dead] to see what happens after he [dies], 😇? [Only YAH can do that.]
    note: Most translations write Solomon contradicting himself: praising work, then declaring work meaningless. In fact, Solomon demeans only carnal work as meaningless. He says that bringing light and joy to others through spiritual work is important.

  89. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 9:18 While YahShua speaks these truths to JAHn's disciples, suddenly a ruler rushes in. He kneels before YahShua. He begs, “My daughter just died. Come lay your hand on her. Then she'll come back to life.”
    note: This ruler was a high-level power player. Strong's #758 Archon = a first in rank or power, chief, magistrate, prince. See #757. Some translations infer: ‘the leader of a synagogue’; others, ‘an official’.

  90. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 12:40 For just as Jonah spent 3 days & 3 nights [dead] in the belly of a whale [huge fish], so [I,] the “Son of Adam,” spend 3 days & 3 nights [dead] in the heart of the earth.
    note: Jesus worded this prediction exactly so you could prove that most preachers are faking at knowing the Bible. Jesus was NOT buried on Friday night and raised on Sunday as most biblically, logically and mathematically ignorant ‘Christians’ posit. The math doesn't work. There were TWO Sabbaths that passover week, giving Yahshua 3 nights in the tomb. Romans murdered Yahshua on Wednesday afternoon on the passover Sabbath, a special midweek holy day. Yahshua lay in the tomb all of Wed. night, Thursday all day, Thursday night, all day Friday, all night, all day Sabbath. He rose from the dead in the dark before the Sunday sunrise. He was not in the tomb on Sunday morning. 3 days and 3 nights. [We use the idolatrous pagan day-names here merely for clarity. True Hebrews count the days of the week from 1 to 7, starting on the day after Sabbath.]

  91. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 22:32 ‘I am the Elohim of Abraham {Father-Of-Billions}, the Elohim of Isaac {Laughter}, the Elohim of Jacob {Heel-Grabber}.’ [YHVH] the Eloah is not [the] Elohim of the dead, but of the living, 😇.”
    note: Exodus 3:6, spoken long after Abraham, Isaac & Jacob had died.

  92. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Matthew 28:8 The women sprint away from the tomb with fear & great joy, 😇. They run to bring [the angel's] word to YahShua's [other] disciples [in the hideout].

  93. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 5:39 YahShua walks inside. He says to the mourners, “Why are you sobbing and [spawning] confusion? The girl isn't dead. She's asleep.”
    note: Not #2837 koimao / kōma (‘deep sleep’ / figuratively, dead). Merely asleep, like the apostles at Gethsemane.

  94. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 5:40 The mourners laugh YahShua to scorn, 😇. YahShua puts all the mourners outside. Then YahShua takes the father & mother of the [“dead”] girl plus Peter {Rock}, James {Heel-Grabber}, & JAHn. [They] walk into [the bedroom] where the girl lies.
    note: Get rid of the unbelievers before you do a miracle. They ridiculed Jesus. They'll ridicule you and me.

  95. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:12 Peter {Rock} [jumps] up. He runs [from Jerusalem] to the tomb. He stoops down. He sees [YahShua's] linen [burial] clothes laid by themselves. Peter [runs back to the disciples' hideout], wondering to himself, “What happened [to YahShua]?!”

  96. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:46 YahShua explains to his disciples, [YAH predicted] my death [in the Hebrew] scriptures. So it was [history's perfection] for [me, YAH's] Messiah, to [voluntarily] suffer [and die], [and] then to rise from the dead on the 3rd day:
    note: Jesus was buried on ‘Wednesday’ evening and rose on ‘Saturday’ evening, not Easter Sunday morning. The Ishtar/Easter worshipers have it all wrong. But they don't care.

  97. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 11:39 YahShua commands, “Take away the tomb-stone.” Martha, (the sister of the dead man) protests to YahShua, “Adoni, by this time Elazar stinks! He's been dead 4 days!”

  98. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 11:41 So [workers roll] away the stone from the cave. [Inside, dead people lay rotting.] YahShua lifts up his eyes. He prays, “Father [YHVH], thank you for [always] listening to my [prayers].

  99. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 14:18 I never leave you [like a comfortless] orphan, 😇. I come to you.

  100. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 14:19 In a little while the world ceases to see me. But you [disciples] see me [again], 😇. I live [beyond death]. So you also live [after death].

  101. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 20:20 Then YahShua shows the disciples his [pierced] hands and side. When the disciples see [their] Master, they overflow with joy, 😇.

  102. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 2:31 [King] David saw the future. He predicted the resurrection of [YahShua] the Messiah. [YAH] didn't leave [YahShua's] soul in Sheol. [YahShua's] flesh never experienced corruption.

  103. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 3:15 You assassinated [YahShua,] the Prince of life. But [YHVH] the ELoah then raised [YahShua] from the dead. We [apostles] witnessed [YahShua's] murder [and resurrection with our own eyes].

  104. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 9:40 Peter {Rock} sends everyone out of the room. Then he kneels down and prays. He turns toward the dead woman. He says, ‘Tabitha, get up.’ Tabitha opens her eyes. She sees Peter. She sits up, 😇!
    note: Get rid of people who can't see that death is just sleep. Unbelieving people disrupt the flow of miracles.

  105. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 13:30 But YAH raises YahShua from the dead, 😇!

  106. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 8:11 So if the Spirit of YAH (who raised YahShua from the dead) dwells in you, 😇, then YAH who raised [the] Messiah from the dead will also give life to your mortal [body] through His Spirit who dwells in you.

  107. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 8:23 And not only the creation, 😇, but we [believers] who bear the first-fruits of [YAH's] Spirit; we groan within ourselves, eagerly awaiting [our] ‘adoption,’ that is, [for YAH] to remake our bodies.

  108. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Corinthians 15:22 Everyone [genetically] connected to ‘Adam’ eventually dies, 😇. Similarly, everyone [spiritually] connected to [the] Messiah lives [forever].
    note: Not everyone who ever lived inherits a blissful eternal life. There is no ‘universal salvation’. The fires of reality burn up the majority like weeds. Only people ‘in the vine’ of Yahshua inherit eternal life.

  109. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Corinthians 15:42 That's a metaphor for the resurrection of the dead. [Our] bodies “plant” in [the ground,] dead, 😇. But [they] rise [with] immortality.
    note: A seed vanishes as its life morphs into a plant that generates hundreds of seeds.

  110. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Corinthians 15:54 When [YAH] endues [our] perishable [bodies] with imperishability, [we] mortals take on immortality. Then, 😇, the saying [Isaiah] writes comes true: “Death [dies,] swallowed up in victory.
    note: (Isaiah 25:8)

  111. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Corinthians 5:1 😇, we know that when death takes down our earthly [bodily] ‘tent[s],’ we [enter our] permanent “mansion[s]” in heaven: [homes] made not by human hands, but by Elohim.

  112. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Apocalypsis (Revelation) 20:5 [YAH] raises those martyrs in the first resurrection. But the rest of the dead wait (until the end of the 1,000 years) to live again.

  113. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Apocalypsis (Revelation) 20:6 Blessed and holy is anyone who has part in the first resurrection, 😇. Over such [separatist-saints] the 2nd death has no power. Rather, they become Sacred Ones, [priests] of [YHVH] the Eloah and of [the] Messiah. These [saints] eventually reign with YahShua for 1,000 years.

  114. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Psalms 56:13 You snatch my suffocating-lungs out of [drowning] death. So [I trust you to] keep [my enemies] from pushing my feet [off life's cliffs]. I'll walk before your face [forever], [basking] in the shining-dawn of [new] life.
    note: Peterson: sunlit fields of life, i.e. resurrection life.

  115. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Psalms 73:26 My flesh [rots]. My [physical] heart fails. But [you,] ELohim, my mountain-fortress, [guard] my eternal heart [in heaven].

  116. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ezekiel 37:13 Then, my people, you come to realize that I am YHVH {The-Eternal-Creator}, when I pop your tombs and raise you up out of your graves, 😇!

  117. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mark 16:2 Long before [dawn, still dark on ‘Sunday’ morning,] the 1st day of the week, the women race [to Joseph-of-Arimathea's cliffside tomb]. They arrive [to see] the first rays of sunrise illuminate YahShua's gravesite.

  118. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 20:27 Then up to YahShua strut some of the Sadducees, who deny that people rise from the dead, 😇.
    note: The Saducees were ‘Sad, You See,’ because they didn't believe in life after death.

  119. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:3 [Trembling,] the women enter the [burial] cave. But inside (of course) they can't find the body of Master YahShua.
    note: Because he rose at the end of the Sabbath, ‘Saturday’ night.

  120. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:35 [The 2 disciples] tell [the others] what YahShua did in the road, and how they recognized YahShua while he broke bread.

  121. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Luke 24:40 (YahShua says this as he shows [his followers] his hands and feet.)

  122. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 11:15 —And for your sakes, I'm glad I wasn't there [to heal Elazar while he was alive]. Because [raising a stinking dead man] will help you trust me. Come on. Let's go see ‘Elohim's Helper’ [the stiff].”
    note: When things go bad for you, even when you die, it's a setup for YAH to rescue you in a more spectacular way.

  123. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ John 12:11 ([Because of Elazar's resurrection,] large numbers of the Judaeans ditch their [phony religious leaders] to trust their [lives] to YahShua.)

  124. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 1:3 Envision the 40 days following YahShua's [crucifixion] passion, 😇: At that time he shows [us] (his apostles) many infallible proofs that he lives. And he speaks [many] revelations concerning the Kingdom of [YHVH] the Eloah.

  125. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 9:41 Peter {Rock} gives Tabitha his hand. He lifts her up. [He] calls the separatist-saints and widows. [He] presents [Tabitha] alive, 😇!

  126. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 13:37 But YahShua, whom YHVH raised from the dead, never experienced decay. [YahShua's body never rotted.]

  127. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Acts 23:8 The Sadducees [scream,] “There [will never be] any resurrection!” The Pharisees [scream back, “You're wrong]!” Sadducees [scream,] “There [are no such beings as] angels!” [Pharisees scream back, “Angels are real!” Sadducees scream,] “There are no spirits, [only matter! The Pharisees scream back, “Blasphemy! Materialist pigs!”]

  128. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Corinthians 6:14 YAH raised up the Adoni [YahShua]. And YAH will, by His power, raise us [saints] up too, 😇.

  129. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Corinthians 15:4 And [I've informed you] that YahShua's [disciples] buried [him]. And that [YAH] raised [YahShua to life] 3 [full 24 hour] days [later,] just as the Tanakh predicted.
    note: Jesus lay dead for three full 24 hour days. He died in the afternoon on a ‘Wednesday’ as the special passover Sabbath began. He rose ‘Saturday’ at sunset at the end of the normal weekly Sabbath. His death and resurrection have nothing to do with ‘Good Friday’ and ‘Easter Sunday.’

  130. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Corinthians 4:14 We know that YHVH raised [our] Master YahShua from the dead. So YHVH will also raise us up, 😇. YahShua will lift us [leaders] with you [new believers to YHVH in heaven].

  131. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2nd Corinthians 5:2 For in [your current] ‘tent,’ [your] earthly body, [you, 😇,] groan with desire to surround [yourself] with your heavenly ‘mansion.’
    note: literally: our

  132. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Thessalonians 4:15 😇, We [apostles] can tell you for sure — we have Adonai [YHVH's] word — that when [our] Master [YahShua visibly] returns to collect us, those of us [believers] who remain alive will not race ahead of the dead [people]. [We won't] leave them behind. In fact, the resurrected dead [people] rise [to the judgement] before the living [people rise].
    note: Paraphrase.

  133. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1st Thessalonians 5:10 YahShua died [to rescue] us [repenters from the devil], 😇. So we can thrive together with [YahShua], whether we ‘wake’ [live] or ‘sleep’ [die].

  134. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hebrews 11:19 Abraham [shows] complete faith that YAH can raise his son from the dead. Abraham courageously goes to stab and burn Isaac [like some pagans kill their children]. Figuratively, 😇, Isaac gets ‘resurrected’ when Abraham unties Isaac from the rock. [Abraham] hugs Isaac, alive and well.

  135. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Apocalypsis (Revelation) 11:12 These [2 ‘witnesses’] hear a great voice from heaven say to them, ‘Come up here.’ So the [2 witnesses] ascend up to heaven in a cloud while their enemies watch them.
    note: Persecuted believers speak the words of the Old and New Testaments. They die and ascend, leaving the earth without anyone who can properly interpret YAH's Word.

  136. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2 Maccabees 7:11 He boldly shouts, “I got these [body parts] from heaven. I'll lose them to [obey] [YAH's] laws! For from him I hope to receive [my body] anew!”

  137. 2nd Kings 4:33 So EliShua enters the room. He closes the door on just [him and the boy]. He prays to YHVH.

  138. Psalms 88:10 How can phantoms watch you work miracles? Can cadavers jump up and throw their hands [in the air to thank you]? Selah {Dramatic-Break}.

  139. Psalms 92:14 Past grey-haired [old-age], [right-walkers] keep shooting out seed-bearing fruit, 😇. [Kind people] grow strong and fresh [and fertile].

  140. Ezekiel 18:28 Because he considers, and turns away from all his acts of betrayal, he surely survives death.

  141. Daniel 12:13 But go your way, [Daniel,] until the end [of the world]. You [soon] rest [in death]. Then at the ‘end of days’ you rise to receive your allotted inheritance.”
    note: Death puts you into a pseudo-sleep. Then—POOF— you rise to experience Judgment Day.

  142. Mark 16:1 [Day 5 ('Thursday', the special Passover Sabbath) passes. Then Day 6 ('Friday') passes. Then Day 7 ('Saturday,’) the normal weekly] Sabbath ends at sundown. [Thus YahShua spends his 3 FULL days and 3 FULL nights dead in the tomb. On Saturday night, which Hebrews count as the beginning of workday one,] Mary Magdalene, and Mary (the mother of James {Heel-Grabber}) and Shalomah rush out [of their hiding place]. They purchase sweet [burial] spices to embalm YahShua's body.
    note: 3 FULL days and nights in the tomb. (Strict Hebrews, please forgive our using the world's weekday names, named in honor of the pagan gods, but they're the only weekday names that most English-speakers know.)

  143. Mark 16:7 —Go! Tell YahShua's disciples ([including] Peter {Rock}) that YahShua [has teleported north] ahead of you into [Heathen Circle] Galilee. There you soon see YahShua, as he predicted to you.”

  144. Mark 16:9 YahShua rose [at the end of the Sabbath, 😇]. On [Sunday,] the first day of the week, the first human to whom YahShua appears is Mary Magdalene, out of whom YahShua previously cast 7 demons.
    note: Eugene Peterson in the Message parses the timeline in this verse: “After rising from the dead [on Saturday night], Yahshua appears [to the women] early on Sunday morning”. No punctuation is indicated in the original Greek. To be in harmony with the material presented in the other Gospels, a good translation is: “Already long-risen, Jesus appears first to Mary Magdalene early on the first day of the week...” These verses are not saying that Jesus rose early on ‘Sunday’ morning, as deluded Churchians assume without using their brains. In reality, Jesus rose Saturday evening, at the end of the normal Sabbath. Then LATER Jesus appeared early on ‘Sunday‘ morning to Mary Magdalene. This is important because it breaks the pagan connection with Easter. Easter is a pagan demonic holiday. Easter blocks up the slot where Passover celebrations belong. Yes, even New Covenant Christians should celebrate not Ishtar but Yahshua, the ultimate ‘passover lamb’.

  145. Mark 16:11 YahShua's disciples fail to believe Mary when she tells them that she's seen YahShua alive, 😇.

  146. Mark 16:12 Then YahShua [shape-shifts, 😇! He] appears in another form to 2 of his disciples as they walk into the countryside.

  147. Luke 24:42 So the disciples hand YahShua a piece of a broiled fish, and [part] of a honeycomb.

  148. John 2:22 [Only] later, after YAH raises YahShua from the dead, do YahShua's disciples recall YahShua predicting [his own murder, his 3 day & 3 night ‘rest’, and his subsequent resurrection], 😇. Then YahShua's [thick-headed] disciples [finally] believe the Scripture and the words YahShua spoke.

  149. Acts 20:10 Paul [runs] downstairs. He throws himself on the young man, hugs him hard. [Paul] says, “Don't be troubled, [people]. The [boy's] life is in him!”

  150. Acts 23:6 Paul knows that some councilmen are Sadducees, and the others Pharisees, 😇. So he cries out in the council, “Men and brothers, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee. [The Sadducees dragged] me to trial [because of my] hope [in] the resurrection of the dead!”
    note: Paul runs the courtroom.

  151. 1st Corinthians 15:5 Later YahShua appeared to Peter {Rock}. Then [YahShua appeared] to [his] 12 [apostles].
    note: 12 = the 11 plus the soon-to-be-elected replacement for Judas.

  152. 1st Corinthians 15:20 But actually [the] Messiah lives, risen from the dead, 😇. [He's] the first ‘crop’ from the [people who] fell asleep [in death].

  153. 1st Corinthians 15:53 For our perishable [bodies] must morph into incorruptible [bodies, 😇,] the mortal [flesh subsumed in] immortality.

  154. 2nd Corinthians 5:8 So we [believers] bravely [face death], 😇. We'd much prefer to leave our [home] in these tent-bodies to enter our [mansion-bodies] with [YHVH] the Adonai.

  155. Philippians 3:11 I sacrifice everything, 😇, in the hope that [YAH] raises me from death to life.
    note: That doesn't sound like a man who said one sinner's prayer, got baptized, and then went back to business, ‘knowing’ that he was saved. Paul sacrificed everything on the hope of resurrection.

  156. 1st Thessalonians 4:18 So comfort one another with these words, 😇.

  157. 2 Maccabees 7:14 The 4th brother nears death. He [groans,][I'm] blessed to be put to death by men, to look for hope from Elohim to be resurrected by him. But as for you [Greek murderers], you'll have no resurrection to life.”

  158. 2nd Kings 4:29 Then [EliShua] says to Gehazi {Vision-Valley}, “Get dressed [for action]. Take my staff in your hand. [Gallop ~20km southeast] to Shunem {Quiet-Town}. If you meet anyone, don't greet him. If anyone greets you, don't answer him back. [Go] lay my staff on the [dead] child's face.”

  159. 2nd Kings 8:5 [Gehazi goes on for hours.] He tells the king how [EliShua] restored a dead body to life. Immediately [Gehazi] sees the woman (whose son [Elishua] resurrected). She cries, “King, [please give me back] my house and land!” So Gehazi says, “My lord, O king, this is the woman! And this is her son, whom EliShua restored to life!”

  160. 2nd Kings 8:6 [Israel's] king asks the woman [about her boy's resurrection]. She tells him, [“It's all true!”] So the king appoints an officer [to help] her. [The king] commands [the officer], “Give [this woman] back everything that was hers, plus [payment for] all the usufruct [her] field [produced] since the day she left [our] country, up to this moment.”

  161. Job 14:14 If a valiant [hero] dies, will he live again? All the days of my [hard] service I wait for [resurrection] to come.

  162. Job 14:15 [Job lifts his voice heavenward:] “You'll call, and I'll answer you. You'll long to [see me,] the work of your hands.

  163. Psalms 119:159 See how I love your messages [from heaven], YHVH. Bend down to hug life into my [dead bones].

  164. Ecclesiastes 3:21 Who knows [if] the spirit of [any particular dead] man rises up [to heaven] while the “spirit” of the beast goes downward into the earth, 😇?
    note: Solomon knew there would be a resurrection. He didn't know who would get resurrected to eternal life. And we don't know either.

  165. Matthew 22:28 —So in the resurrection, which of these 7 brothers gets the widow as his [eternal] wife? For all 7 [married] her.”
    note: A question Mormons ask. But they don't understand that in eternity our relationships and bodies are unlike our current relationships and bodies. When you overflow with true spiritual joy you don't need the joy of s-x. And when you replicate spiritually you don't need to procreate physically.

  166. Matthew 26:32 But, 😇, after I rise from the dead, I [fly] ahead of you [north] into the Heathen-Circle [Galilee].”

  167. Matthew 27:64 [So Sir,] command [soldiers] to secure the tomb until the 3rd day. Otherwise [YahShua's] disciples may come by night and steal [YahShua] away. They'll [lie] to the people, ‘[YahShua] has risen from the dead.’ If that happens, the last deception will be worse [for your Empire] than the first.’”

  168. Matthew 28:11 The women run on to find the other disciples. Meanwhile, some of the [tomb] guards race into the city. They report YahShua's resurrection, [the angel, the earthquake, and all,] to [Judea's] chief priests.

  169. Mark 16:8 The women run out, 😇. [They] flee from the tomb, trembling, amazed [ecstatic, confused, bewildered. Their heads swim. They're] so afraid, they say nothing to anyone [on the way].

  170. Mark 16:13 [Then YahShua shape-shifts back into his usual appearance. Then he vanishes, 😇!] The 2 disciples realize they've been talking with YahShua. So they run [to the disciples' hiding hole]. They tell the rest of YahShua's disciples [that YahShua appeared to them]. But the group refuses to believe these 2 disciples as well!

  171. Luke 11:30 For like Jonah's [resurrection] was a ‘sign’ to the Ninevites, so [I] the ‘Son of Adam’ soon [rise after 72 hours of death as a sign] to this [populace, 😇].

  172. Luke 24:1 Then on the 1st day of the week [‘sunday’], very early in the morning, the women and their companions run to the tomb, 😇. [They] bring the [burial] spices they've prepared [to bless and preserve the dead body].
    note: By ‘sunday’ at dawn, Jesus was gone. He rose from the dead at the end of the Sabbath.

  173. Luke 24:15 Later, while the 2 disciples [vacillate between] comforting and arguing with each other, YahShua himself [floats] up. He [walks] beside them, 😇!
    note: The disciples argue like a couple of bi-polar manic-depressives: We gave up our whole lives to follow a dead guy! Why did you get me into this!? I didn't tell you to follow Jesus, you dragged me into this! It's your fault! No, don't blame me, you ∑*∂^!! This is all your fault! Waaaah! What am I gonna tell my girlfriend!? It's O.K. man; we'll figure out something. I know, we'll tell our chicks that someone slipped poison mushrooms in our beer, and we went nuts for a while, but now we're fine. Yeah, they'll believe that. We'll get our ladies back. Whew! ... Nahhh! Waaaah! They'll never buy it! Our babes probably already shacked up with our best friends! Jesus just about got me killed! I know! If we hadn't hid in the bushes, we'd be dead like him! Waaa! I thought he was the Messiah!

  174. Luke 24:22 —Yes, and some women in our group amazed us. They went to YahShua's tomb early this morning.

  175. Luke 24:24 —Then some of our [male] companions went to the tomb. They found it [empty] just like the women said. The [men] didn't see YahShua [either].”

  176. John 11:14 Then YahShua plainly tells his disciples [what he knows through clairvoyance], “‘Elohim's Helper’ is dead.
    note: D-E-D dead! Stiff! Stinking! Worm-food. A Mort!

  177. John 11:23 YahShua answers Martha, “Your brother will rise again.”

  178. John 11:38 So YahShua's insides boil in anger [at the murderous cluelessness of the fools surrounding him]. Huffing [in rage,] he stomps up to Elazar's tomb: a cave with a boulder laid across its entrance.
    note: Often mistranslated as weak church baloney like ‘very sad,’ the emotion Yahshua expresses is:
    #1690 embrimaomai:
    to snort with indignant, blaming, commanding, groaning fury.

  179. John 16:16 Very soon, you [apostles] won't be seeing me [at all]. But wait a little longer. I reappear to you. [Then I ascend to the Father.]

  180. John 20:1 [72 complete hours pass, 😇.] Early on the 1st day of the week, while it's still dark, Mary Magdalene [races] to the gravesite. [She] sees the stone [already] rolled away from the tomb!
    note: 72 COMPLETE HOURS. 1st day of the week = ‘sunday’ morning. More technically, this appears to be a reference to the 1st day of counting 7 sabbaths until pentecost; see Lev 28:15-17.

  181. John 20:2 Then Mary runs [all the way back] to Simon-Peter {Rock} and [JAHn,] another disciple YahShua loves. Mary [panting, out of breath] cries to [Rock & JAHn], “The [Jews] stole Master [YahShua] from the tomb! We have no idea where they [stashed] his [body].”

  182. John 20:8 Then [JAHn] goes into the tomb. [He too] sees [the evidence of YahShua's resurrection]. So [he] deduces [that YahShua is alive].

  183. John 20:9 [YahShua's disciples] still fail to comprehend the scripture's predictions that YahShua would rise from the dead, 😇.

  184. John 20:15 YahShua asks Mary, “Woman, why are you weeping? Who do you seek?” Mary, supposing YahShua is the gardener, says to him, “Sir, if you've taken [YahShua] away, tell me where you put him. I'll go get him [and embalm his body].”

  185. Acts 9:37 About that time, Tabitha gets sick. She dies, 😇. [The disciples prepare Tabitha's body for burial. They] lay her [corpse] in an upstairs room.

  186. Acts 9:39 So Peter {Rock} [jumps] up. [He runs] with the two messengers to [the undertaker's house]. The disciples bring [Peter] into the upper chamber [where Tabitha lies dead]. All the widows stand by Peter weeping. [They] show [Peter] the dresses and coats Tabitha made [for poor people] while she was [alive] with them.

  187. Acts 10:41 YahShua did not appear to all the people. [He appeared] to witnesses pre-chosen by YHVH, including we [believers] who ate and drank with YahShua after he rose from the dead.

  188. Acts 20:12 Greatly relieved, the [disciples] take the young [resurrected] man home alive.

  189. Acts 24:15 I hold a hope in [YHVH] the Eloah, as the [Jews] themselves also [hope], that [YAH] will resurrect the dead, both the just and unjust.

  190. Acts 24:21 —unless it was this one thing I shouted as I stood in their presence: ‘[You dragged] me here to stand on trial before you today because I believe [YAH] raises [people] from the dead.’”

  191. 1st Corinthians 15:7 Then James {Heel-Grabber} saw YahShua. Then all [YahShua's original] apostles saw him.

  192. 1st Corinthians 15:14 And if [YAH] didn't resurrect the Messiah, then [all] our [gospel] heraldry is in vain, and your faith is useless, 😇.

  193. 1st Corinthians 15:23 But [YAH resurrects] each [human] in his own turn: [First, the] Messiah, [earth's] ‘first-fruit.’ Then, 😇, when YahShua [visibly] comes [to earth], [YAH resurrects we saints] who belong to YahShua.
    note: Not everyone receives eternal life. Only the do-gooders who belong to Yahshua.

  194. 1st Corinthians 15:32 If it was merely for human motivation that I fought wild beasts in Ephesus [in Turkey], what do I gain by it, 😇? If [YAH] never raises dead people, we might as well live by the motto, “Let’s eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”
    note: ‘Wild beasts’ likely refers to Paul's attempted murderers. (Isaiah 22:13)

  195. 1st Corinthians 15:37 [The] bare seed you plant doesn't resemble the mature body of a plant, 😇. [You sow] wheat or some other [inert grain].

  196. 1st Corinthians 15:38 Then Elohim delights in giving every seed its own unique [plant] body.
    note: You could never guess what a tomato would look like by looking at a tomato seed. What we plant in the soil and what grows out of it don't look anything alike. The dead body that we bury in the ground morphs into a dramatically different lifeform.

  197. 1st Corinthians 15:43 [The ‘seed’] body gets buried in dishonor, 😇. [But YAH] raises it in glory. [Similarly, at funerals, mourners] ‘plant’ [dead] powerless [carcasses]. [Later YAH] raises [the corpses] in power.

  198. 1st Peter 3:21 The water of [Noah's] flood is a picture of the baptism that now saves us [believers], 😇. ([Spirit baptism] removes no dirt from your body.) Rather, you appeal (with a repentant conscience) for YHVH to raise you from the dead, both spiritually and physically, as YHVH resurrected YahShua the Messiah.

  199. Wisdom of Solomon 3:2 Unwise people only see the bodily death. They mistake departing [this evil world] as misery.

  200. 2nd Kings 4:30 The mother of the [dead] child [cries to EliSHua], “As YHVH lives, and as your soul lives, I won't go [home] without you.” [So EliShua] mounts up. [He rushes home] with her.

  201. Psalms 73:24 You keep guiding me with your counsel. So after [I die, I know] you'll take me to glory.

  202. Psalms 106:4 YHVH, please remember me when you show favor to your [chosen] people. Please visit my [grave]. Free [me from death].

  203. Matthew 27:60 ([Joseph has] recently hewn his own new tomb out of a rock [cliff].) So he lays YahShua's body in it. [Joseph gets workers to] roll a great stone over the door of the tomb. [Then he] leaves.

  204. Matthew 27:61 Mary Magdalene & the other Mary, [YahShua's Mom, stay there,] sitting opposite the tomb.

  205. Matthew 27:63 [The religionists brown-nose the Governor], “Sir, we remember that while [YahShua] the deceiver was alive, he predicted, ‘[YAH] will raise me [from the dead] 3 days after [you religionists kill me].’
    note: 3 WHOLE 24-hour days.

  206. Matthew 27:65 Pilate answers [Judaea's] chief priests & Pharisees, “Go. Take soldier-guards. Secure [YahShua's] tomb as best you can.”

  207. Matthew 27:66 So the religionists go, 😇. They secure [YahShua's] tomb. They seal its stone. They post guards to protect it.

  208. Matthew 28:10 YahShua says to the women, “Stop being afraid! Go tell my brothers to [hike north] into the Heathen-Circle. They'll see me there.”

  209. Mark 12:18 Then, 😇, some [Greek-loving, emotionless, unbelieving, bogus] Sadducee [priests] come to [trick] YahShua. (The Sadducees say there is no [such thing as] resurrection.)
    note: Aristocratic Sadducees (Tzedukim) ran Judea's Temple, its bogus sacrifices, and its whore-priesthood. They were not even Israelis. They were Edomite southlanders forced to convert to Judaism in 129 BC by John Hyrcanus. The Sadducees denied all the teachings of the Pharisees including the afterlife, angels, demons, and the Jewish Oral law. This infuriated the Pharisees. The Sadducees loved all things Greek: arts, music, drama, sculpture, poetry and sports. So the Pharisee (“separatists”) separated from the Sadducees. The 2 groups lived in near-open warfare. False-king Herod was a delusional pervert with a Christ-complex. The Herodians were Sadducees loyal to Herod's dynasty. Herodians loved all things Greco-Roman. Herod made a massive restoration of Jerusalem's physical Temple, because prophecy said the Messiah would restore it. [In reality, the believers ARE YAH's temple.]

  210. Mark 12:19 The Sadducees ask YahShua [more insulting, deceptive trick questions]: “Master, Moses wrote to us [the following command]: “When a man dies, leaving his wife childless, the dead man's brother must marry the dead man's wife, to ‘raise up seed-children’ [in place] of his brother.
    note: Thus the Sadducees make fun of Yahshua, scoffing at Yahshua's claim that He (or anyone else) would rise from the dead. The Temple was the Sadducees' idol (their golden cash cow). Sacrifices made them a fortune. Sadducees collaborated with the Romans. They hated Yahshua for rocking their economic boat. Like Muslims, Sadducees claimed to only follow the Five Scrolls of Moses. They showed no mercy. Romans destroyed the Sadducees at the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD.

  211. Mark 14:28 But after I rise [from the dead], I [teleport] ahead of you [north] into [the Heathen-Circle] Galilee.

  212. Mark 16:3 As the women [run,] they ask each other, “Who'll help us roll away that huge boulder from the door of the tomb?”

  213. Mark 16:10 Mary Magdalene runs [ahead, 😇. She] tells YahShua's weeping and mourning disciples, [“I've seen YahShua alive!”]

  214. Luke 20:31 —Then the 3rd brother marries the widow. Coincidentally, all 7 brothers marry this [apparently toxic] lady. And all 7 brothers die without leaving children.
    note: A highly unlikely hypothetical story made up for the purpose of argument. Religious hypocrites make up rhetoric like this all the time to get out of commandments and beliefs they don't like.

  215. Luke 24:9 The women race back from the tomb [to Jerusalem]. They tell the 11 apostles and all the [other disciples, etc.] about the empty tomb and the angels.

  216. Luke 24:28 YahShua and the 2 men draw close to the village to where the [men] head. YahShua behaves as though he'll walk further [alone].

  217. John 11:11 Time passes. YahShua alerts his disciples, “Our friend ‘Elohim's Helper’ [has gone to] sleep. So I'm gonna’ wake him out of sleep.”

  218. John 11:13 However, 😇, by the word ‘sleep’ YahShua means Elazar's death. But YahShua's [clueless] disciples assume that YahShua is talking about [Elazar] resting in [natural] sleep.

  219. John 11:17 When YahShua arrives, “Elohim's Helper” has already been [rotting] in a tomb for 4 days, 😇.

  220. John 11:24 Martha cries to YahShua, “I know [my brother] will rise again in the resurrection at the ‘Last Day.’”

  221. John 11:34 YahShua asks, “Where have you buried ‘Elohim's Helper?’” Mary [and her companions] answer YahShua, “Master, come and see.”

  222. John 12:17 The people (who had [watched] YahShua call dead ELazar to rise from the tomb) [run around in the crowd, enjoying their celebrity,] spouting [their] eyewitness accounts.

  223. John 20:5 [JAHn] stoops down. He looks into [the tomb]. He sees [YahShua's] linen [grave] cloths lying [there]. But [JAHn] doesn't go in.

  224. John 20:6 Then Simon-Peter {Rock} runs up [panting] behind [JAHn]. Peter ventures into the tomb. [He] sees [YahShua's] linen [burial] strips lying [on a rock].

  225. John 20:11 But Mary stands outside the tomb weeping, 😇. As she weeps, she stoops down. She looks into the tomb.

  226. John 20:16 YahShua says to her, “Mary.” Mary turns around [from weeping]. She cries to YahShua, “Rabboni!” (“Master!”)

  227. John 20:18 Mary Magdalene runs to tell [YahShua's] disciples she's seen Adoni [YahShua]. She repeats everything YahShua told her.

  228. Acts 2:32 YHVH raised up this YahShua. We're all witnesses of [YahShua's resurrection].

  229. Acts 9:38 [The town of] Lydda lies near Joppa {Beauty}. So, 😇, when the disciples hear that Peter {Rock} is in Lydda, they send two messengers who urge him, “Please come [to Joppa] at once!”

  230. Acts 9:42 [Fame of] Tabitha's resurrection [spreads like wildfire] all over Joppa {Beauty}, 😇. So [thousands] of people believe in the Adonai [YHVH].

  231. Acts 10:40 But YAH resurrected YahShua on the 3rd day [following his death]. Then [YAH] openly displayed [the risen] YahShua.
    note: Yahshua was killed just before the special mid-week Passover Sabbath (about 'Wednesday' 6PM) and resurrected at the end of the normal weekly Sabbath (about 'Saturday' 7PM). The point being that Jesus wasn't killed on 'Good Friday' and wasn't raised on Easter Sunday. That's just Roman Catholic pagan mumbo jumbo that gullible Protestants swallow like a fish-hook.

  232. Acts 13:31 For many days, [the risen] YahShua appears to the people who trudged uphill with him from Heathen-Circle [Galilee] to Jerusalem. These are YahShua's witnesses to the [world's] people.

  233. Acts 13:34 YAH raised YahShua from the dead. YahShua will never rot [in the grave]. This is why [the prophet Isaiah] predicts: '[Messiah,] I award you the holy and sure blessings [I promised to king] David {Love}.’
    note: Isaiah 55:3

  234. Acts 13:35 That's why David {Love} says in Psalm [16:10], “You [YAH] will never let your Holy One [YahShua] experience decay.”

  235. Acts 17:32 When [these Athenian philosophers] hear [Paul speak] of the resurrection of the dead, some mock. But others say, “We'll hear [Paul teach] again on this subject.”

  236. Acts 23:7 When Paul says this, a dispute flares up between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The assembly breaks apart, 😇.

  237. Acts 25:19 [The Jews] have certain disputes against Paul about their own superstition, and about a [man named] ‘YahShua,’ who died, [yet] whom Paul alleges to be alive.

  238. Romans 6:5 YAH planted us together with YahShua in a “death” like [YahShua's] death, 😇. So [YAH] also comes to unite us with [YahShua] in resurrection.

  239. Romans 14:9 That's why [the] Messiah died and rose to life, 😇: to be Master over both [people] who lie dead, as well as [we people] who stand [physically] alive.

  240. 1st Corinthians 15:6 Then, in one event, 500 brothers saw YahShua. (The majority [of those witnesses] remain [alive] today, 😇. Though some [of them] have “fallen asleep” [in death].)

  241. 1st Corinthians 15:12 Now, 😇, [people & angels] herald that [the] Messiah rose from the dead. So how can some [scoffers] among you [‘believers’] argue that dead people never rise again?
    note: Muslims teach that Jesus never actually died.

  242. 1st Corinthians 15:13 If nobody can rise from the dead, then the Messiah is [still in a tomb, 😇].

  243. 1st Corinthians 15:15 Even worse, [the world would] eventually expose us [‘believers’] as falsely testifying about [YHVH] the Eloah. For we witness that [YHVH] the Eloah raised [the] Messiah from the dead, 😇. But YAH did not raise YahShua if in fact nobody ever rises from the dead.

  244. 1st Corinthians 15:16 Be logical, 😇. If dead [people] don't rise, then [the dead] Messiah never rose.

  245. 1st Corinthians 15:17 And if [the] Messiah isn't risen, your faith is futile, [and] you, 😇, are still [dead] in your sins.
    note: If Christ didn't die and rise to life, then Christianity would be a fraud.

  246. 1st Corinthians 15:18 Also, [if YahShua hasn't risen,] the Messiah's [believers] who've “fallen asleep” [in death are nothing more] than rotting [worm-food, 😇]!

  247. 1st Corinthians 15:21 For death came [to earth] through [a] man. So the resurrection of the dead also comes through [a] man.

  248. 1st Corinthians 15:35 Some mindless [scoffers] ask, “By what [possible mechanism] could [rotten] dead people rise [to life, 😇]?! Are they gonna' levitate [up out of the grave with worms hanging out of their mouths, like zombies]?

  249. 1st Corinthians 15:44 [Grave-diggers] ‘plant’ natural bodies that [YAH] raises as spiritual bodies, 😇. [YAH makes] natural bodies. [YAH] also [makes] Spirit ‘bodies.’

  250. 1st Corinthians 15:49 And just like we carry around [our bodies] (these icons of [Adam] the man of dust) so, 😇, [one day] we [saints] come to bear the image of [YahShua], the Man from heaven.

  251. 1st Corinthians 15:52 Remember, 😇: In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, [YAH's angel] blasts the trumpet [shofar]. Then [YAH] raises [some] dead [people in] imperishable [bodies]. He morphs us [true believers from evil animals to pure immortals].
    note: Not all dead people receive an imperishable body. Most humans who ever lived will be annihilated.

  252. 2nd Corinthians 5:3 Once [YAH] clothes [us with eternal bodies,] we never lie [exposed to] naked [death] again, 😇.

  253. 2nd Corinthians 5:5 Now Elohim made us to resurrect [us, 😇]. He gives us His Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing [the spirit-life] that [we have] coming.
    note: See note.

  254. 2nd Corinthians 5:6 Hope of resurrection always keeps us [believers] confident, 😇. Yet we know that while we live at ‘home’ in these bodies, we stay [in a sense] absent from [YHVH] the Adonai.
    note: We smile, even when religionists and secular powers threaten our lives.

  255. 1st John 3:3 Every man who carries inside himself this hope [of spiritual resurrection] purifies himself, just as [YHVH shines] pure.
    note: Elohim here could refer to Yahshua or the Father.

  256. Wisdom of Solomon 3:4 Because even though [wicked] men punish [righteous] men, [the righteous man is rightly] filled with hope for immortality.

  257. Wisdom of Solomon 16:13 For you [YAH] hold [the] power of life and death. You lead [humans] to the gates of Sheol {The-Grave}. You bring [dead beings] up [to life] again.

  258. Psalms 80:18 Don't let us fall away from you. Revive us so we can proclaim your name-authority [to the world].

  259. Matthew 22:31 And as for whether [YAH] resurrects the dead, haven’t you read the Truth [which YHVH] the Eloah spoke to you, 😇?

  260. Mark 9:10 [Peter, James & JAHn] keep the [transfiguration episode] a secret, 😇. But they keep debating with one another what “rising from the dead” means.

  261. Mark 12:20 —There once lived 7 brothers. The 1st brother takes a wife, then dies, leaving no ‘seed’ [children].

  262. Mark 12:21 —The dead man's brother marries the widow. Then this 2nd brother dies, leaving no children. The 3rd brother marries her. He dies as well!

  263. Mark 12:22 —All 7 brothers in turn marry this [barren and apparently toxic] woman. Then [each man] dies, leaving no children. Last of all the woman dies. [Good riddance!]
    note: Extremely unlikely hypothetical story used to inflame theological debate, with the agenda of justifying divorce. If she was real, she might have carried an STD to which she, unlike her husbands, was genetically immune and asymptomatic.

  264. Luke 20:32 —Last of all the woman also dies.

  265. John 11:6 Yet when YahShua hears that “Elohim's Helper” is sick [and going to immediately die], YahShua still stays for 2 days right there [on the far side of the Jordan river], 😇.

  266. John 12:2 [There] in Bethany {Date-House}, [Mary, Martha and associates] make a supper for YahShua. Martha serves, while Lazarus {Elohim's-Helper} sits among other [guests] at the table with YahShua.

  267. John 16:5 But now I'm going my way to [YHVH] who sent me. Yet none of you [disciples] asks me, ‘Where are you going?’

  268. John 20:3 So Peter {Rock} and [JAHn] run out [of their hiding shack. They race] to the tomb.

  269. John 20:4 [JAHn] outruns Peter. So [JAHn] gets to the tomb first, 😇.

  270. John 20:7 The burial cloth (that had been around YahShua's head) lies folded up by itself, separate from the linen.

  271. John 21:14 This is now the 3rd time that YahShua has appeared to his disciples after he rose from the dead, 😇.

  272. Acts 4:2 The religionists [rage,] greatly disturbed that Peter {Rock} and JAHn are teaching the people, heralding [that YahShua's resurrection proves] that people rise from the dead.

  273. 1st Corinthians 15:39 Each type of flesh-body differs, 😇: humans have one kind of body. Animals have another. Birds another and fish another.

  274. 1st Corinthians 15:40 [YAH makes] celestial bodies, and earthly bodies. The heavenly bodies' splendor bears attributes that differ from the splendor of the earthly bodies.

  275. 2nd Timothy 2:8 Remind everyone, 😇, that YahShua the Messiah was a man born into king David's family, and that [YAH] raised YahShua from the dead. That's the Amazing Revelation I proclaim.

  276. 1st Peter 1:21 YHVH raised YahShua from the dead. Then [he] gave YahShua [eternal] glory. So, by [believing in] YahShua, you, 😇, can believe and put your faith and hope in YHVH.

  277. Wisdom of Solomon 2:1 The wicked say, improperly reasoning with themselves, “Our life is short and tedious, and nothing can resurrect a man after [he] dies. No man has ever been verified as having returned from the grave.”

  278. 2 Maccabees 7:9 At the last gasp, the [scalped brother] yells, “Like a fury, you [pagans] rip us from this present life. But the King of the universe will resurrect us (who have died for his laws) to everlasting life!”

  279. 1st Corinthians 15:29 Now, 😇, what about those [fools] who get baptized on behalf of dead [humans]? What do they hope to accomplish? If it's true, as some [atheists] claim, that [YAH] never raises dead [people] to life, why would those people [waste their time] being baptized for the dead?
    note: Paraphrase. Mormons carry on this ancient pseudo-Christian Gnostic practice. Proxy baptisms were also practiced by (the non-Christian) Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran.

  280. 1st Corinthians 15:46 The spiritual [Messiah] didn't come [to earth] first, 😇. The natural [Adam] came first. Then came the spiritual [Messiah].

  281. Luke 24:8 Then the women remember [that YahShua did] say [these] words, 😇.

  282. 1st Corinthians 15:41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another, the stars yet another. Indeed, 😇, each star has its unique kind of glory.

  283. 1st Corinthians 15:45 That's why [Moses] writes: ‘The first man (Adam) became a living soul.’ The ultimate ‘Adam’, [YahShua, is] a life-giving [super-human] spirit-being.
    note: (Genesis 2:7)

  284. Hebrews 13:20 😇, through the ‘blood’ of the everlasting covenant, [YHVH] (the Eloah of peace) resurrected from the dead our Master YahShua, that great Shepherd of [human and angelic] sheep.

  285. 1st Peter 4:6 That's why [YahShua traveled back through time. He] heralded the Good News to [beings] who are [now] dead: to condemn men's sin-flesh, but to revive [some of them] by Elohim's spirit.
    note: Difficult to translate.

  286. Luke 20:30 —The 2nd brother marries his dead brother's wife. But this 2nd brother also dies childless.


14 SONGS on the theme of Resurrection

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wildflowers

  2. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Resurrection Rhapsody (Bohemian Rhapsody)

  3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Helicopter

  4. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I'm Gonna Fly (Chariot Of Fire)

  5. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ At The End Of The Road

  6. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Exploto Boomba!

  7. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rising In The Sky With Jesus (Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds)

  8. When I Am Gone

  9. Boom Chickie Rocky Chickie Rocky Chicka Boom!

  10. 1 2 3 4 5

  11. I Wanna See The Day

  12. (I'll Be) FLyin'

  13. Resurrected To Life (Parody of Sting: We'll Be Together)

  14. That'll Be The Day (Parody Of That'll Be The Day)


11 CHAPTERS on the theme of Resurrection

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ GrizzlyBeard Reveals The Amazing Twisty Truth

  2. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jesus Did Not Die On 'Friday' And Rise On 'Sunday'!

  3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ GrizzlyBeard Sings I Love You More Than Life

  4. BAJ kills all the other kids on the playground, and resurrec

  5. Brother Re-Animates Sister-Monster

  6. Sky

  7. BAJ raises Lazarus from the dead

  8. Brother sees Jesus resurrected

  9. Daniel Goes To Heaven

  10. Resurrection

  11. JZ Springs Back To Life, Dunks Basketball


1 ARTWORKS on the theme of Resurrection

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Resurrection Icon


5 REVIEWS OF MEDIA on the theme of Resurrection

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Risen

  2. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tree Of Life

  3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ FrankenWeenie

  5. 90 Minutes In Heaven

  7. Jesus Christ says that death does not make a difference. T