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3 SCRIPTURE SECTIONS on the theme of Hope

  1. David, Feeling Abandoned, Begs YHVH For Mercy

  2. King David's Song Tells You To Hope In YAH

  3. Overflow With Hope & Good Counsel


40 SCRIPTURES on the theme of Hope

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amos 6:10 Uncles, [friends, relatives and lovers] lift up the dead bodies of their loved-ones. [Survivors] carry the bones outside of houses to the cremation fire. [Men] cry, “It's over! [We're done! It's the end of the world! There's no point in living anymore! Kill us all now!][A voice] answers, “[Hush!] Hold your tongue. Remember the [redeeming] character [name/honor/authority/power] of YHVH.”
    note: This verse is usually and mistakenly translated as a nonsense prediction that the name of YHVH would generally stop being spoken on earth. That happened. But the words make more sense as a reminder that all things, even disaster, work out for the good of we who love YAH and who answer the call to do his will. (See Romans 8:28.) In the blink of an eye, YAH can reverse even mass genocidal death.

  2. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 8:24 For [YAH] saves us through [our] hope, 😇! But hope is invisible: Who hopes for what he already has?

  3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 5:4 And patience yields experience, 😇. And experience births hope.

  4. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Genesis 21:18 —Get up! Lift up your boy. Hold him tightly [with] your hand. I come to make him a great nation.”

  5. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Deuteronomy 3:25 I beg you: let me cross over and see the beautiful land beyond [the] Jordan [river valley]: the wonderful [western] hill-country, and the [white, snowy] Lebanon [Mountains]!”

  6. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 4:18 Against all hope, Abraham {Father-Of-Billions} believed in hope [that] he would become the father of many nations, 😇. [YAH] foretold him, “Your offspring [grow to be numerous as the stars].”

  7. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lamentations 3:24 I finally realize that [my relationship to] YHVH is all I have, [and all I'll ever get, 😇]. So [all I can do] is hope in Him.
    note: You don't really possess anything. All your wealth, health and support could vanish overnight. The only thing you have is a lifeline to your Creator.

  8. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 15:13 [😇, I pray that YHVH] the Eloah, the source of hope, completely fills you with joy and shalom as you continue trusting [Him], so that by the power of the Sacred Spirit you come to overflow with hope.

  9. Hebrews 6:19 Our hope is certain, 😇, a strong and secure anchor for [our] soul[s]. [This hope] reaches all the way into the ‘Most Holy Room’ behind the [sacred] curtain [in heaven's ‘temple’].
    note: sure and steadfast

  10. Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes [your] heart sick, 😇. But when [your] longed-awaited [blessing] comes, [you find] a tree of life.

  11. Proverbs 10:28 😇, the righteous [man's] hope [ends in] glee, while the wicked [man's] rope [of life] frays [to nothing].

  12. Daniel 6:19 Early in the morning, the Emperor jumps up. He sprints to the lion den.

  13. Psalms 13:5 I scramble-for-refuge in your mercy. My heart whirls [in expectation of] you saving [me].

  14. ZechariYAH 4:10 [Never] despise the day of small [beginnings, 😇]. Brighten [up]! [Envision] the plumbline-stone: (the [Messiah]. He powers [the people YAH] rescues from Babylon.) [The Messiah is] the stone bearing the infinite eyes of YHVH. [YAH's vision] travels [instantaneously] throughout the whole earth.”
    note: Difficult verse; makes no sense in any popular translation because the overly literal translators fail to connect the idea of the stone with the eyes on the stone. Refers to Yahshua (Jesus).

  15. Lamentations 3:21 [But] I call to my mind [YAH's mercy, 😇. So I grab hold of the rope of] hope.

  16. Psalms 71:5 Adonai YHVH, you're my rope [of hope]. Since my youth, you've [remained] my refuge.

  17. Romans 8:25 But when we hope for what we can't see, we [must] endure the wait, 😇.

  18. Psalms 13:3 Look and listen [to] me, YHVH my Elohim. [Give] light to my eyes! I'm [about to] sleep in death.

  19. Titus 2:13 Live separated [from the evil of the world], 😇. [Keep] looking for the “blessed hope” [of eternal life,] and the glorious manifestation of [the]
  20. Mega-Elohim [YHVH]
  21. and [of] our Savior YahShua, the Messiah.

  22. note: This verse is a favorite battleground of Trinitarians vs. Monotheists. Titus 2:13 refers to two beings:
  23. Mega Theos [YHVH]
  24. AND our Savior Jesus Christ.
  25. YHVH's glory will manifest. Yahshua will be physically visible. See Titus 1:4 for clarification. Titus 2:13 does not call Jesus “THE MEGA GOD.” That title belongs to YHVH.

  26. 1st Kings 18:43 Then [EliJah] says to his servant, “Quick. [Climb] up [that tree]. Look toward the sea.” So the helper climbs up. He looks [west about 15km toward Haifa on the Mediterranean coastline]. He says, “No [clouds].” So [EliJah] says, “Go again.” 7 times the worker climbs.

  27. 2nd Samuel 18:26 Then the watchman sees another man running [toward the gate]. So the watchman calls to the gate-guard, “Look, another man [comes] running alone.” So king [David] assumes, “The [2nd runner] also brings [good] news.”

  28. Lamentations 3:26 It's good for a human to hope while quietly waiting for YHVH to rescue [him, 😇].

  29. Genesis 8:5 The waters decrease continually until the 10th month [of the year]. On the 1st day of that month, [Noah and his family look out from the deck]. They see the tops of mountains, 😇!

  30. Susanna vs. The Elders 1:35 Susanna {Lily}, weeping, looks up toward heaven: her heart still trusting in Adonai [YHVH].

  31. JeremiYAH 31:17 I fill your future with [everything you could] hope [for],” promises YHVH. “Your children [eventually] return to their homeland.

  32. JeremiYAH 17:17 Never become a terror to me, [YHVH]. You're my [only] hope [of surviving] the day of evil.

  33. Psalms 130:6 My spirit awaits YHVH's [intervention] more [expectantly] than [night] watchmen wait for the morning [light]. [Sing after me, people:] more [fervently] than [night] watchmen wait for dawn!

  34. Psalms 130:5 😇, I expect YHVH's [help]. [I hold] my breath. I wait, hoping [he'll honor] his word.

  35. Psalms 119:81 I'm dying! My life-breath [hangs on the] hope of your promise to free me [from this nightmare-life]!

  36. Psalms 37:9 [YAH eventually] chops down all villains. We who band-together [in hope] of YHVH's [salvation eventually] occupy the land.

  37. Psalms 33:22 YHVH, rain your mercy on us. You're our [only] hope.

  38. Psalms 33:20 Our life-breath pants, [waiting] for YHVH, our help, our shield, [to rescue us believers, 😇].

  39. Job 23:17 Yet the face of darkness waits to cut off [my life]. [YAH] protects my face from the gloom of [the grave].”

  40. Job 11:18 You'll [live] secure. Hope exists. Yes, [repentance] will dig [hedges] around you, so you'll take your rest in safety.

  41. 2nd Samuel 15:25 Then king [David] says to [high] priest Zadok {Righteous}, “Carry the ark of Elohim [back] into [Jerusalem] city. If I find favor in the eyes of YHVH, he'll bring me back. [He'll] show me [the ark restored to] its [proper] dwelling-place.

  42. Genesis 8:6 40 more days elapse. Then Noah {Rest} opens the window of the ark he'd built.
    note: 40 is the number of probation.

  43. 2nd Corinthians 1:7 And our hope for you, 😇, is firm. Because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.
    note: Suffering and comfort go together.

  44. Psalms 131:3 [😇, you who will] rule with El {Power}, [put your] hope in YHVH from now on to forever.

  45. 2nd Thessalonians 2:16 Our Master YahShua ([the] Messiah himself) and YHVH our Father, who has always loved us [believers], keep graciously gifting us everlasting consolation and great hope, 😇.

  46. Colossians 1:5 Your faith and love spring from your hope for [the glorious eternal life of love] that waits, stored up for you in heaven, 😇. You've already heard about [heaven] in the ‘Word of Truth,’ the ‘Great News.’


7 SONGS on the theme of Hope

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ On Wings Like Eagles (Isaiah 40:31)

  2. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After The Storm

  3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Getting Better

  4. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Here Comes The Son (Parody of Here Comes The Sun)

  5. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ He Can Work It Out (We Can Work It Out)

  6. Bluebird (Parody Of Blackbird)

  7. Don't Forget to Remember


9 CHAPTERS on the theme of Hope

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Smiley Applies For the Polo Tournament

  2. Musician Intern Jackie Flies To Los Angeles

  3. Eyes Spies A Glint Of Gold On The Mountain

  4. Truck Pops Tire; Farmer Opens Box - Fox Hides

  5. Bullit Meets The Mogul

  6. Antsy Shops For Food, Cop Chases Her

  7. Setting Out

  8. She Hatches Her Master Recovery Plan

  9. She Dreams Of An Indian Thanksgiving


1 ARTWORKS on the theme of Hope

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hope Icon


13 REVIEWS OF MEDIA on the theme of Hope

  1. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Forrest Gump

  2. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Kung Fu Panda 3

  3. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY (original)

  4. The Spirit Of Mickey

  5. Julie & Julia

  6. The 7 Faces Of Dr Lao

  7. Bedtime Stories

  8. Waiting For Guffman

  10. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned abi

  11. When once you have tasted flight you will forever walk the

  12. Jeremiah 29:11: "'For surely I know the plans I have for you

  14. Gentle Annie