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top3 SCRIPTURE SECTIONS on the theme of Hope
- David, Feeling Abandoned, Begs YHVH For Mercy
- King David's Song Tells You To Hope In YAH
- Overflow With Hope & Good Counsel
top40 SCRIPTURES on the theme of Hope
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amos 6:10 Uncles, [friends, relatives and lovers] lift up the dead bodies of their loved-ones. [Survivors] carry the bones outside of houses to the cremation fire. [Men] cry, “It's over! [We're done! It's the end of the world! There's no point in living anymore! Kill us all now!]” [A voice] answers, “[Hush!] Hold your tongue. Remember the [redeeming] character [name/honor/authority/power] of YHVH.”
note: This verse is usually and mistakenly translated as a nonsense prediction that the name of YHVH would generally stop being spoken on earth. That happened. But the words make more sense as a reminder that all things, even disaster, work out for the good of we who love YAH and who answer the call to do his will. (See Romans 8:28.) In the blink of an eye, YAH can reverse even mass genocidal death.
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 8:24 For [YAH] saves us through [our] hope, 😇! But hope is invisible: Who hopes for what he already has?
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 5:4 And patience yields experience, 😇. And experience births hope.
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Genesis 21:18 —Get up! Lift up your boy. Hold him tightly [with] your hand. I come to make him a great nation.”
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Deuteronomy 3:25 I beg you: let me cross over and see the beautiful land beyond [the] Jordan [river valley]: the wonderful [western] hill-country, and the [white, snowy] Lebanon [Mountains]!”
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 4:18 Against all hope, Abraham {Father-Of-Billions} believed in hope [that] he would become the father of many nations, 😇. [YAH] foretold him, “Your offspring [grow to be numerous as the stars].”
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lamentations 3:24 I finally realize that [my relationship to] YHVH is all I have, [and all I'll ever get, 😇]. So [all I can do] is hope in Him.
note: You don't really possess anything. All your wealth, health and support could vanish overnight. The only thing you have is a lifeline to your Creator.
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romans 15:13 [😇, I pray that YHVH] the Eloah, the source of hope, completely fills you with joy and shalom as you continue trusting [Him], so that by the power of the Sacred Spirit you come to overflow with hope.
- Hebrews 6:19 Our hope is certain, 😇, a strong and secure anchor for [our] soul[s]. [This hope] reaches all the way into the ‘Most Holy Room’ behind the [sacred] curtain [in heaven's ‘temple’].
note: sure and steadfast
- Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes [your] heart sick, 😇. But when [your] longed-awaited [blessing] comes, [you find] a tree of life.
- Proverbs 10:28 😇, the righteous [man's] hope [ends in] glee, while the wicked [man's] rope [of life] frays [to nothing].
- Daniel 6:19 Early in the morning, the Emperor jumps up. He sprints to the lion den.
- Psalms 13:5 I scramble-for-refuge in your mercy. My heart whirls [in expectation of] you saving [me].
- ZechariYAH 4:10 [Never] despise the day of small [beginnings, 😇]. Brighten [up]! [Envision] the plumbline-stone: (the [Messiah]. He powers [the people YAH] rescues from Babylon.) [The Messiah is] the stone bearing the infinite eyes of YHVH. [YAH's vision] travels [instantaneously] throughout the whole earth.”
note: Difficult verse; makes no sense in any popular translation because the overly literal translators fail to connect the idea of the stone with the eyes on the stone. Refers to Yahshua (Jesus).
- Lamentations 3:21 [But] I call to my mind [YAH's mercy, 😇. So I grab hold of the rope of] hope.
- Psalms 71:5 Adonai YHVH, you're my rope [of hope]. Since my youth, you've [remained] my refuge.
- Romans 8:25 But when we hope for what we can't see, we [must] endure the wait, 😇.
- Psalms 13:3 Look and listen [to] me, YHVH my Elohim. [Give] light to my eyes! I'm [about to] sleep in death.
- Titus 2:13 Live separated [from the evil of the world], 😇. [Keep] looking for the “blessed hope” [of eternal life,] and the glorious manifestation of [the]
- Mega-Elohim [YHVH]
- and [of] our Savior YahShua, the Messiah.
note: This verse is a favorite battleground of Trinitarians vs. Monotheists.
Titus 2:13 refers to two beings: - Mega Theos [YHVH]
- AND our Savior Jesus Christ.
YHVH's glory will manifest. Yahshua will be physically visible. See Titus 1:4 for clarification.
Titus 2:13 does not call Jesus “THE MEGA GOD.” That title belongs to YHVH.
- 1st Kings 18:43 Then [EliJah] says to his servant, “Quick. [Climb] up [that tree]. Look toward the sea.” So the helper climbs up. He looks [west about 15km toward Haifa on the Mediterranean coastline]. He says, “No [clouds].” So [EliJah] says, “Go again.” 7 times the worker climbs.
- 2nd Samuel 18:26 Then the watchman sees another man running [toward the gate]. So the watchman calls to the gate-guard, “Look, another man [comes] running alone.” So king [David] assumes, “The [2nd runner] also brings [good] news.”
- Lamentations 3:26 It's good for a human to hope while quietly waiting for YHVH to rescue [him, 😇].
- Genesis 8:5 The waters decrease continually until the 10th month [of the year]. On the 1st day of that month, [Noah and his family look out from the deck]. They see the tops of mountains, 😇!
- Susanna vs. The Elders 1:35 Susanna {Lily}, weeping, looks up toward heaven: her heart still trusting in Adonai [YHVH].
- JeremiYAH 31:17 I fill your future with [everything you could] hope [for],” promises YHVH. “Your children [eventually] return to their homeland.
- JeremiYAH 17:17 Never become a terror to me, [YHVH]. You're my [only] hope [of surviving] the day of evil.
- Psalms 130:6 My spirit awaits YHVH's [intervention] more [expectantly] than [night] watchmen wait for the morning [light]. [Sing after me, people:] more [fervently] than [night] watchmen wait for dawn!
- Psalms 130:5 😇, I expect YHVH's [help]. [I hold] my breath. I wait, hoping [he'll honor] his word.
- Psalms 119:81 I'm dying! My life-breath [hangs on the] hope of your promise to free me [from this nightmare-life]!
- Psalms 37:9 [YAH eventually] chops down all villains. We who band-together [in hope] of YHVH's [salvation eventually] occupy the land.
- Psalms 33:22 YHVH, rain your mercy on us. You're our [only] hope.
- Psalms 33:20 Our life-breath pants, [waiting] for YHVH, our help, our shield, [to rescue us believers, 😇].
- Job 23:17 Yet the face of darkness waits to cut off [my life]. [YAH] protects my face from the gloom of [the grave].”
- Job 11:18 You'll [live] secure. Hope exists. Yes, [repentance] will dig [hedges] around you, so you'll take your rest in safety.
- 2nd Samuel 15:25 Then king [David] says to [high] priest Zadok {Righteous}, “Carry the ark of Elohim [back] into [Jerusalem] city. If I find favor in the eyes of YHVH, he'll bring me back. [He'll] show me [the ark restored to] its [proper] dwelling-place.
- Genesis 8:6 40 more days elapse. Then Noah {Rest} opens the window of the ark he'd built.
note: 40 is the number of probation.
- 2nd Corinthians 1:7 And our hope for you, 😇, is firm. Because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.
note: Suffering and comfort go together.
- Psalms 131:3 [😇, you who will] rule with El {Power}, [put your] hope in YHVH from now on to forever.
- 2nd Thessalonians 2:16 Our Master YahShua ([the] Messiah himself) and YHVH our Father, who has always loved us [believers], keep graciously gifting us everlasting consolation and great hope, 😇.
- Colossians 1:5 Your faith and love spring from your hope for [the glorious eternal life of love] that waits, stored up for you in heaven, 😇. You've already heard about [heaven] in the ‘Word of Truth,’ the ‘Great News.’
top7 SONGS on the theme of Hope
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ On Wings Like Eagles (Isaiah 40:31)
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ After The Storm
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Getting Better
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Here Comes The Son (Parody of Here Comes The Sun)
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ He Can Work It Out (We Can Work It Out)
- Bluebird (Parody Of Blackbird)
- Don't Forget to Remember
top9 CHAPTERS on the theme of Hope
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Smiley Applies For the Polo Tournament
- Musician Intern Jackie Flies To Los Angeles
- Eyes Spies A Glint Of Gold On The Mountain
- Truck Pops Tire; Farmer Opens Box - Fox Hides
- Bullit Meets The Mogul
- Antsy Shops For Food, Cop Chases Her
- Setting Out
- She Hatches Her Master Recovery Plan
- She Dreams Of An Indian Thanksgiving
top1 ARTWORKS on the theme of Hope
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hope Icon
top13 REVIEWS OF MEDIA on the theme of Hope
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Forrest Gump
- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Kung Fu Panda 3
- The Spirit Of Mickey
- Julie & Julia
- The 7 Faces Of Dr Lao
- Bedtime Stories
- Waiting For Guffman
- I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned abi
- When once you have tasted flight
you will forever walk the
- Jeremiah 29:11: "'For surely I know the plans I have for you
- Gentle Annie