NonFiction ~~- Rapid Script Development

Check Your Spelling & Punctuation

1781 Characters =~1.8Min. Reading Time


Replace almost every "AND" with "BUT", "SO", or "[period]".
(The period is the almighty, under-rated superhero of literature.
The period is more powerful than a comma, a semicolon, a colon or the mind-numbing conjunction "and".)
Use the word β€˜and’ in lists.
(Bill and Jane went to the store.)

Don't use β€˜and’ to connect clauses or sentences.
(Bill quit work and bought a car.)

Bob punches Jill AND smiles. (SUCK!)
Bob punches Jill. BUT he smiles. (maybe)
Bob punches Jill. SO he smiles. (good)
Bob punches Jill. He smiles. (simple, readable, powerful)

Apostrophes For Contraction vs. Possessive Pronouns

its = possessive; "its beauty".
it's = "it is"; "it's beautiful".

Plural vs. Singular Possessive

dogs' food = more than 1 dog;
dog's food = 1 dog

Abhor Adjectives And Adverbs

Kill all adverbs. Kill all adjectives.
That's the goal anyway.
Avoid modifiers like you avoid car accidents and infections.

The Eternal Active Now (Aorist Aspect)

In a properly-polished screenplay, nothing "IS"; no things "ARE"; and nothing "INGS".
Not screenplay: Bob is walking.
Yes screenplay: Bob walks.

Speak To 7 Year-Olds

Kill all impressive words like "erudite", unless they're in the dialog of some prig you're going to kill off.

Bust Bad Word Habits

Eliminate words that you habitually and unnecessarily repeat.

Know Irregular Usages

LYing on the bed.
LAYing down the basket.


Make all your em dashes like this:
text before the dashβ€”text after the dash

Use Grown-Up Grammar

Reread "Fowler’s Modern Usage" and Strunk & White’s "The Elements of Style".