Screenplay Synopses ~~- Parent Abuse

Synopsis 2

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5905 Characters =~5.9Min. Reading Time
In this story, Katy & John (me dog)
fight TIGER (rabid dog)
for FAMILY (bone).
John & Katy win.

--------( C O N C E R N )
John & Katy write Children's songs and perform them for Children's concerts.
They buy a suburban home and stock it with a nursery for their expected babies.
But Katy gets increasingly ill.
Doctors discover that she is infertile.
Doctors dope Katy up with awful pills and shots that always just make her sicker and more dependent.
Years go by. John & Katy struggle in vain to adopt.
They endure nightmare adoption traumas, suffering abuse from "Christian" adoption agencies, losing tons of money.

--------H O P E
Katy has a dream in which a black angel boy comes and tells her to be patient.
John & Katy decide that they've been cursed for going into debt to buy the big house for their dream family.
So they sell the house, get out of debt, and buy a farm in Amish country.
The wife's illnesses clear up from drinking raw milk.
Just when they think they'll be able to have a natural child, the phone rings.
Their adopted black baby boy (Tiger) is on the way!

--------F E A R
The black baby comes, but he cries constantly.
He can't digest any food.
The Amish people recommend goat milk, which saved Katy.
But John's father and the supervising pediatricians threaten to put Katy & John in jail if they feed little Tiger goat milk.
Finally baby Tiger gets so sick that John & Katy realize that baby Tiger will die no matter what they do.
So, in desperation, hands shaking, they feed him goat milk.
Overnight Tiger gets healthy.
John & Katy become natural health nuts, refusing to vaccinate Tiger or give him antibiotics.
Child Protective Services sues John & Katy for Child endangerment.

--------S C O R E
John & Katy complete the adoption with difficulty.
Katy insists on home-schooling Tiger.
She blames Grandparents for subjecting her to horrible public school nightmare upbringing.
Grandparents report Katy for educational neglect.
John & Katy decide to take the child to a 3rd world country, to teach the child to be humble and compassionate to the oppressed people.
Katy's sister sues to take away Tiger to prevent his dying in Haiti.
John & Katy & Tiger move to Haiti, thinking it will be less racist and less oppressive, and a better environment for Tiger.
They buy the lie that Haiti is freedom-oriented, an organic-food / natural-health heaven.
john & Katy sell their farm and pour their life savings into feeding the local children and buying food for the villagers.
The villagers parade through the streets with John & Katy, singing happy songs, lifting the elated Tiger high in the air.

--------P A I N
In fact, Haiti is extremely racist.
The natives brainwash Tiger to curse, to eat and drink everything John & Katy forbid, triggering Tiger's diabetes.
John & Katy are unable to spank Tiger because neighbors threaten to call the police.
The natives teach Tiger to hate John & Katy, saying that they're not his real parents and he needs to get away from them.
Tiger keeps using increasingly foul language.
Katy washes out Tiger's mouth with soap.
Tiger screams nonstop whenever John & Katy don't allow him to go horse-riding with the increasingly combative natives.
Tiger learns that to get Katy to take him to the beach, all he has to do is infuriate John by screaming so loud that John can't work.
Meanwhile, the villagers rob John & Katy blind.
John & Katy become deathly ill.

--------P O W E R
John & Katy bring Tiger back to America.
John & Katy enjoy the relative order and sanity and convenience.
They start to get Tiger tamed.

--------D I S A S T E R!
But a swindler takes what's left of John & Katy's money.
So they have to move into a poor area.
In this poor, minority-filled area, black-pride militants brainwash Tiger to hate his "honky" adoptive parents.
Tiger acts out badly.
Katy threatens to hot-sauce Tiger.
Tiger grabs the hot sauce, smashes the bottle, getting it over himself.
Tiger hot-sauces Katy.
But Tiger has an allergic reaction.
The hospital reports Katy for child-abuse.
CPS Nazi confiscates Tiger, shoots him full of vaccines.
He has a vaccine complication, regresses 3 years.
CPS forces Tiger into public school.
So Tiger fails in his classes.
Teacher blames his own ineptitude on 'Parental Neglect'.

Tiger grows to hate John & Katy. He screams death threats at them, embarrasses them constantly, attacks them with knives, destroys their property.
Katy's and John's illnesses become life-threatening.
Since John & Katy are so sick, they let Tiger play with other children whose parents neglect them.
Tiger sees the other children play naughty abusive private-parts games.
Tiger reports this to John & Katy.
Tiger and John & Katy confront the parents of the delinquent kids.
Those parents vindictively report Tiger as the molester.
So CPS takes Tiger.
CPS tricks Tiger into β€˜confessing’ that John molested him.
CPS gets John locked up in prison.
Meanwhile, foster parents abuse Tiger and blame it on John & Katy.
CPS forces Katy, now income-less because of John's incarceration, to pay child-support to the state.
Then state 'loses' child support payment records, refuses to listen to John & Katy's case.
Grandparents try to break up John & Katy, to get Katy to marry the dashing CPS lawyer, Katy's old squeeze.

--------T R I U M P H!
Tiger and Katy figure out how to prove CPS invented the case against John.
The prison releases John.
Tiger comes home, now loving and appreciating John & Katy, whom he accepts as his real parents.
Tiger gets counseling, works through his issues.
The Grandparents congratulate John & Katy on doing such a great job.
Tiger grows up happy.
Family photo of the 4 generations happy: giant family, jumping in the air.

Tiger goes on to have his own children.
They abuse Tiger.