Bible ~~- Older Testament ~~- IsaiYAH ~~- chapter 48 of 66 (22 verses.)

IsaiYAH 48:19Wrench

Your seed-children [would fill the earth] like sand-grains.
Offspring [would] leap from your hearts and bellies.
No one would ever cut off nor destroy [your dynasty's] name-fame.
My [loving] face [would watch over you and your descendants forever].

Other English Bible translations of IsaiYAH 48:19:

Complete Jewish Bible (Sacred Name Version)CJB-SNYour descendants would be numerous as the sand, your offspring countless as its grains. Their name would never be cut off or destroyed from my presence."
New International Version (Sacred Name)NIV-SRYour descendants would have been like the sand, your children like its numberless grains; their name would never be cut off nor destroyed from before me.'
New International Readers Version (Sacred Name)NIRV-SNYour family would be like the sand. Your children after you would be as many as the grains of sand by the sea. It would be impossible to count them. I would always accept the members of your family line. They would never be cut off or destroyed.'
New Living Translation (Sacred Name Version)NLT-SNThen you would have become as numerous as the sands along the seashore--too many to count! There would have been no need for your destruction.'
New Revised Standard (Sacred Name Edition)NRSV-SNyour offspring would have been like the sand, and your descendants like its grains; their name would never be cut off or destroyed from before me.
The Message (Sacred Name Version)MSG-SNChildren and grandchildren are like sand, your progeny like grains of sand. There would be no end of them, no danger of losing touch with me.'
Good News Translation (Sacred Name)GNT-SNYour descendants would be as numerous as grains of sand, and I would have made sure they were never destroyed."
New American Standard (Sacred Name Bible)NASB-SN'Your descendants would have been like the sand, And your offspring like its grains; Their name would never be cut off or destroyed from My presence.'
King James Version (unedited)KJVThy seed also had been as the sand, and the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof; his name should not have been cut off nor destroyed from before me.