Bible ~~- Older Testament ~~- Daniel ~~- chapter 7 of 12 (28 verses.)

Daniel 7:7Wrench

After this I look into the night visions.
I see a 4th beast: dreadful, terrible, exceptionally strong.
Its two rows of great iron teeth devour and break [nations] in pieces.
It tramples whatever remains under its feet.
This [terrible beast] differs from all the beasts before it:
10 horns [spring from its head].

Note: Macro-Historically: Rome.

Other English Bible translations of Daniel 7:7:

Complete Jewish Bible (Sacred Name Version)CJB-SNAfter this, I looked in the night visions; and there before me was a fourth animal, dreadful, horrible, extremely strong, and with great iron teeth. It devoured, crushed and stamped its feet on what was left. It was different from all the animals that had gone before it, and it had ten horns.
New International Version (Sacred Name)NIV-SR'After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast--terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.
New International Readers Version (Sacred Name)NIRV-SN'After that, in my vision I looked up and saw a fourth animal. It was terrifying and very powerful. It had large iron teeth. It crushed those it attacked and ate them up. It stomped on anything that was left. It was different from the other animals. And it had ten horns.
New Living Translation (Sacred Name Version)NLT-SNThen in my vision that night, I saw a fourth beast, terrifying, dreadful, and very strong. It devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled what was left beneath its feet. It was different from any of the other beasts, and it had ten horns.
New Revised Standard (Sacred Name Edition)NRSV-SNAfter this I saw in the visions by night a fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong. It had great iron teeth and was devouring, breaking in pieces, and stamping what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that preceded it, and it had ten horns.
The Message (Sacred Name Version)MSG-SN'After that, a fourth animal appeared in my dream. This one was a grisly horror--hideous. It had huge iron teeth. It crunched and swallowed its victims. Anything left over, it trampled into the ground. It was different from the other animals--this one was a real monster. It had ten horns.
Good News Translation (Sacred Name)GNT-SNAs I was watching, a fourth beast appeared. It was powerful, horrible, terrifying. With its huge iron teeth it crushed its victims, and then it trampled on them. Unlike the other beasts, it had ten horns.
New American Standard (Sacred Name Bible)NASB-SN'After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.
King James Version (unedited)KJVAfter this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.